Friday, March 29, 2013

Headache Medication Not Always Need - Headache included in the complaint that everyone has experienced. Although headaches have eased, but you should not immediately take medicine when symptoms strike.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Find Out Possible Life Up to 10 Years More with This Simple Test

Jakarta, Age humans do only God knows, but that does not mean people should not necessarily wasted health. The possibility of a person's life can actually be predicted by health test. Recent tests even predict the possibility of living 10 years.
The test was developed by researchers at the U.S. for people aged 50 years and over. Consists of several questions about health, this test is called the Mortality Index. The research report on the test report in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
"Let's take the test with a doctor who can discuss what the score in the context of the patient's medical history. Index is not intended as a guide to changing your lifestyle," said the researcher, Dr. Marisa Cruz of the University of California, San Francisco, as reported by Medical Xpress, Friday (08/03/2013).
Mortality Index compiled after the researchers analyzed data on nearly 20,000 people in the U.S. aged 50 and over. All of the participants had taken part in a national health survey in 1998. Researchers followed the participants for 10 years. Nearly 6,000 participants died during that time span.
There are 12 questions covered in this test. The results of the tests can be used by doctors to make a decision whether the patient needs to undergo another medical examination or a risky medical procedure if perhaps not survive up to 10 years.
All the questions on the test assessed with a score. Total scores indicate less chance of a better life. The guidelines are as follows:
- A man automatically gets 2 points. Men and women aged 60-64 years received 1 point. Ages 70-74 get 3 points and age 85 or more get 7 points.
- Each gets 2 points if: being or had been diagnosed with cancer, a lung disease that limits activities or requires oxygen, heart failure, smoking, hard shower itself, difficult to manage financially because of health or memory problems, difficulty walking away until several blocks.
- Got each 1 point if: have diabetes or high blood sugar, difficulty pushing large objects like a heavy chair, had normal weight or underweight.
The highest score that can be obtained is 26 points, that has a chance to die within 10 years by 95 percent. To achieve these scores, the perpetrator is at least test a minimum of 85 years old and suffering from all the diseases mentioned above.
If you have a score of zero, meaning that the chance to die within 10 years only 3 percent. To achieve this score, at least test the perpetrator is a young woman aged less than 60 years old without having the diseases listed above.
This test is not surprising because the parents are sick have less chance of survival than those who are younger and healthier. In addition, women generally live longer than men. But why are overweight actually reduces the risk of dying within 10 years?
"One reason is that thin body condition in old age can be a sign of illness. Other factors could also play a role so that the index should be seen as a guide, not considered always absolutely true," said Dr. Cruz.

The more stupid? Do not Blame Your Age! - We often blame old age began to simply accept the habit of forgetfulness that we experienced. Because older, you can easily understand. For example, someone that you just know a few minutes later could not remember his name anymore. The names of the grandchildren were sometimes like already in the tip of the tongue, but can not remember, let alone the day of his birth, and you think it does not matter.When muscles no maximum limit, can get injured if used excessively, the brain is not the case.

Identify These Foods Trigger Acne

VIVAlife - Acne is the most common is a subscription as a private matter especially often experienced during adolescence. Acne is basically a skin condition that had red spots and blackheads enlarged. This happens due to lack of proper skin care. However, the main cause of acne is due to the buildup of bacteria and dead skin cells that clog the skin.

This Exercise Aids Extend Female Orgasm

Kegel Exercises are performed on a regular basis, especially by the women can help tighten the muscles around the pelvis and the intimate area. There are many benefits that you can get by doing this exercise every day.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Mandatory Know, The Importance of Pure Water for Healthy Kidneys

VIVAlife - Kidney has remarkable function in the human body. In addition to cleaning the toxins and remove waste from the blood, the kidneys function to maintain the volume and composition of body fluids, as well as to secrete a hormone that helps the production of red blood cells.

Healthy pregnant women? This juice to Eat

WHILE pregnant, healthy consumption is required. For that, you need to be selective in choosing food and drink diasup.