Monday, March 4, 2013

The rapid Industry Risk Trigger Eczema - an increasingly rapid industrial development also increase the risk of allergies in the body, especially the type of allergic eczema are also known as atopic dermatitis. This is due to the industry to produce more allergens in the environment, so it can trigger the symptoms of eczema, especially for people who have the talent to develop this disease.

As described skin specialist from UB Women and Children's Hospital (Bwch), dr. Grace Ward, atopic eczema can be caused by two factors, namely genetic or hereditary and environmental factors.
"If you had more dominant genetic factors to cause symptoms, but now that environmental factors play a greater role," he said in a talk show "Pure Water, Pure Love" which diselerenggaran by Bwch, Saturday (03/02/2013), in Jakarta.
Eczema is a general term for inflammation of the skin. Atopic eczema is the most common type. The prevalence of atopic eczema increased worldwide over the last 40 years. This, says Grace, is one of the effects of an increasingly rapid industrial development in the period.
In some countries, the prevalence of atopic eczema reached 17 percent. Environmental factors that can trigger eczema distinguished food allergens, inhaled allergens, contact allergens, irritants, and other factors such as microbes, weather, humidity, hormonal, and psychological.
"Environmental factors that have been most widely 'blame' cause of atopic eczema is food allergens. Fact, the effect is only about six to eight percent. Fact, a study in 2012 said the impact on the Asia, only two to three percent," said Grace.
According to Grace, the factors that contribute more are inhaled allergens, one of the most frequent causes of atopic eczema are house dust mites (TDR) or house dust mite. "House dust mites can activate inflammatory cells and disrupt the skin immunity," he explained.
A study in 2011 showed that as many as 74.5 percent of patients atopic eczema are sensitive to one or the chairman of the strain TDR. Strain is the Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus and Dermatophagoides farinae. Atopic eczema characterized by red and itchy skin, besides some minor symptoms are dry skin, dry lips and chapped, itching around the eyes, dry and itchy around the nipple, white patches on the face, especially after swimming and exposed the hot sun.
Grace said the disease can not be cured, because it is influenced by genetics. Opportunities to suffer eczema from parents was large enough that 30-50 percent if one parent suffering from atopic eczema and 50-75 percent if both parents suffer.
"But do not worry, although not curable, but it can be controlled atopic eczema. With good care eczema does not cause symptoms," explains Grace.
One of the most important in controlling the symptoms of this disease is the avoidance and elimination of environmental TDR. One study indicates that it may improve the clinical condition of atopic eczema sufferers significantly. In addition, skin care always use a skin moisturizer as often as possible and to avoid bathing with warm water is also highly recommended.
"The warm water will remove the moisture so that the skin will become dry," said Grace.

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