Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Suffer Hypertension, Erectile any Bothered

High Blood Pressure or hypertension is also known as cardiovascular disease that affects many men. High blood pressure puts the risk on the arteries and can lead to more serious conditions such as heart disease or stroke, and sexual disorders.

Symptoms and treatment for hypertension can cause side effects that can inhibit sexual function in men. Erectile dysfunction is one of the most common side effects caused by hypertension in men. Treatment of hypertension such as diuretics, working to reduce and maintaining low blood pressure and interfere with blood flow to the penis, as reported by eHow.

Some patients may only experience some difficulty in getting an erection. Others may only have an erection in response to sexual stimulation delayed. Additional side effects of erectile dysfunction may include the inability to achieve an erection.

Hypertension can cause stress and damage to the small blood vessels in the penis. The blood vessels are damaged and can not be cured, it becomes thicker and slower to dilate blood vessels in response to sexual stimulation. This in turn can inhibit blood flow to the penis effective. As a result, patients often have difficulty getting and maintaining an erection. Patients are able to obtain an erection often have difficulty getting an erection or maintaining an erection for longer periods of time.

Sources: http://health.okezone.com/read/2013/03/04/485/770721/

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