Saturday, March 2, 2013

These 5 Mental Disorders Related to Each Other - According to a major study, autism, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), bipolar disorder (GB), depression, and schizophrenia has been linked to some genetic or hereditary risk factors. Four versions of certain genes increase the likelihood of suffering from this disorder five.

The researchers hope the findings could help psychiatrists better understand the most fundamental cause of the disorder in the brain.

The study, published in the medical journal Lancet compared the genetic code of about 33,000 people with mental disorders with 28,000 people without mental disorders. This international study found four gene variants that can increase the risk of mental disorders fifth. Two genes involved in calcium balance in the brain.

Indeed, hundreds of genes and the environment may have an effect on the occurrence of mental disorders, but the development of psychiatric genetics is expanding rapidly trying to explain the basis of why this condition can occur.

"These findings indicate a potential new way in the field of psychiatry and mental disorders. This is a scientific method that helps to understand what went wrong in the brain, chemicals, brain systems, which affects a wide range of diseases," said one researcher Nick Craddock, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Cardiff.

The same thing also expressed Gerome Breen, from the Institute of Psychiatry at King's College London. "This study provides a touch of biology to the diagnosis of mental disorders, it is really worthwhile," he said.

Marjorie Wallace, chief executive officer at the Mental Health Charity Sane, said the findings highlight the need for understanding the genetic and biological factors of the mental condition in order to find treatments and therapies more effective.


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