Monday, November 12, 2012

"Sleep Apnea" Treated, Controlled Hypertension

A research has shown that treatment of sleep apnea using a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) may improve blood pressure of hypertensive patients.Many studies have shown that there is a causal link between snoring and increased high blood pressure. In fact, the beginning of the discovery of the disease sleep apnea, it begins with a sleepy hypertensive observed excess. Having recorded his sleep, patients who suffer from narcolepsy originally thought this turned out sleeping snoring and stopping breathing during sleep experience.
Stopping breathing during sleep due to narrowing the airway, breathing movements while trying to pump, as if strangled, no air can pass. After some shortness of time, the system will wake up the brain's body for a moment to draw breath. Oxygen in the body so down and return to normal repeated (intermittent) throughout the night.As a result of decreased oxygen (hypoxia) will trigger intermittent series of reactions in the body that will affect the heart and blood vessels to increase blood pressure.CPAPContinuous positive airway pressure was found by prof. Colin Sullivan of Sydney University, Australia. His discovery was first announced by the medical journal Lancet in 1981 gave a new passion for the world of medicine. If sleep apnea is left before, now many sufferers can sleep comfortably and improved quality of life back.The instrument is connected to the patient via a nasal mask will be blowing pressure to prop up the airway to keep it open during sleep.Along with a variety of advanced research, it was found that the use of CPAP to overcome snoring can also alleviate or even prevent many chronic diseases thought to be caused by sleep apnea. One of them: hypertension.ResearchDiterbikan Research in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine is the first to examine the benefits of CPAP use in daily practice. Previous studies only measured blood pressure and sleep apnea in a laboratory setting. Present study was conducted in patients who come to the clinic.Experts gather 221 people already known to the man who had hypertension but only diagnosed with sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is diagnosed by examination in the laboratory sleep, stop breathing per hour through the index (AHI).People with sleep apnea and then given CPAP observed in the two periods. The first 3-6 months and the second at 9-12 months after using CPAP. The result is better patient systolic blood pressure (the pressure) and diastolic pressure (bottom) decreased significantly when controlled in both periods.The experts also stressed that the study does not demonstrate a causal relationship between sleep apnea and hypertension. But the implications for daily medical practice is quite important. As already stated in JNC7 documents, sleep apnea is one of the causes of hypertension can be identified and treated. What a pity to pass up.


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