Saturday, November 17, 2012

This Way To Walk Can Lose Weight

Walking is a sport that most cheap and easy to do. This sport is mostly just to control weight, not down. But there are several ways you can do so on foot can be used as a way to lose weight.

Most people choose to walk because exercise is considered a leisurely sport. That is why most do not get enough weight on foot.

But brisk walking for 30 minutes each day alone can burn 150 calories a day. That means you can lose about 0.5 pounds every week just by walking and diet control.

Here are some ways to do that walking can help you lose weight:

1. road alone
Walk with your family or friends will unconsciously make you more relaxed walking, calories burned ultimately did not amount to much. If you aim to lose weight, then try to walk alone.

2. Brisk
Brisk walking does not have to run. You just need to pick up speed so it can burn more calories.

3. Select uphill terrain
Walking uphill in the field will put pressure on the fat cells and also put pressure on the calf muscles. So walking will not only lose weight but also build muscle.

4. Walking regularly
Walking never will give a significant effect on the body. In order to lose weight, you should do it regularly, eg every day or once a week.

5. Walk to beach
Walking on the beach will feel heavier than a regular street. This can put pressure so that helps burn fat.


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