Saturday, December 29, 2012
Healthy pregnant, Enrich High Food Nutrition
WHILE pregnant, you certainly need good nutrition to keep your health and your baby. But there are some foods that have a high enough nutrition, so they can meet the nutritional needs of your intake during pregnancy.
Survey: Women Asia like cheating, Asian men swingers
Jakarta, During this time many people thought he was the most like cheating or double partner. In fact she could do it. In fact according to a recent survey of the world's leading condom manufacturer, Durex, women from developing countries such as Ghana, Thailand and Malaysia is the most love doing.
5 Mistakes Regarding Coconut Water Benefits - Coconut water, especially the young is often used as a beverage thirst release. It's just not a few ordinary people who drink coconut water for other purposes. There are mentions that coconut water can reduce weight, improve kidney function, to treat allergies. Really?
Friday, December 28, 2012
Reduce Calories But Where do car ride It will not Lose Weight
Jakarta, Talking about weight loss, many people assume that the calories consumed during this plays an important role in determining it. Yet a new study from the U.S. suggests that the time spent for people to travel by car every day use also affect the level of body mass index (BMI).
This cancer Genital Attack Part Wanita
VIVAlife - Cervical cancer into a large enemy women. According to the study, the malignancy of breast cancer than cervical cancer as a cause of death tallest woman, told
Spread of Flu Virus Affected Air Humidity - Disease influenza included in disease transmission is very easy. Influenza outbreaks usually occur during the winter season or the transition from the dry to the rainy season.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
This list of Good Food and Bad for Digestion
Jakarta, to maintain the health of the digestive system, not indiscriminate in choosing foods to be consumed daily. Some foods may have benefits for the digestive system and some of the others may cause harm.
Do's & Don'ts Clean Menstrual Vagina
MENSTRUAL a moment enough to bother her. You must keep the intimate hygiene to avoid infection or irritation. By maintaining hygiene during menstruation, vaginal health then you will be awake.
Effectiveness of Supplements Not Important Consumers Make - supplements are a necessity for most people, especially those who are very busy. Supplements are considered as one of the solution in maintaining body condition of threats and health problems.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Beware, Germs Food is Not Lost While Dishes It Washed Clean
Jakarta, and the holiday season together with family can be a nightmare in case of food poisoning. Much of the cause is contamination in food. Unfortunately, there are several types of bacteria that is not lost even if the plate had been washed clean.
Vitro Techniques Affect Baby Weight - Mechanical engineering pregnancy through IVF or in vitro fertilization (IVF) can affect the baby's size at birth, according to a new study from Finland published the December issue of the journal Human Reproduction.
Alcohol Injections in the Heart Save the Old Man
VIVAlife - Saving the life of a patient to a doctor's duty. No wonder, when many doctors perform myriad ways to heal patients, including extreme ways.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Excessive nausea Must Not Make Bumil Less Nutrition
- During pregnancy some women feel nauseous often leads to excessive
vomiting, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. Experienced nausea makes appetite was reduced. If left unchecked, it is concerned that pregnant women can not meet the nutritional needs of her and her baby.
Beware, Wear Foundation in Vagina Make Tumors
HAVE vaginal scent is a dream for every woman. But did you know that the use of talcum powder in the vaginal area can get a tumor?
Exclusive breastfeeding Kids Make Smart, Healthy and Reduce Risk of Mental Disorders
Jakarta, Is soon you will have a child? If so, make sure your child gets breast milk exclusively. Because this activity provides health impacts, not only on the mother but also the child. The risk of cancer in both can be reduced by this activity.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Rights of Teenagers Still Ignored
Jakarta, Kompas - The number of adolescents aged 10-24 years in Indonesia in 2010, 63.4 million people or 26.7 percent of the total population. However, the fulfillment of the right to sexual and reproductive health of their meager state. They are considered the children, after they were sexually active.
Prevent Illegal Medical Devices, Medical Devices can be registered online
Jakarta, medical equipment is one of the vital parts in diagnosing and treating disease. To prevent any illegal tools, registration of medical devices can now be done online, eliminating the need for face to face.
Discovered Bacteria Cause Obesity - Obesity has now become a global epidemic. Although lifestyle contribute significantly to the occurrence of excess fatness but scientists say they've identified the bacteria that may lead to obesity.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Most food Sweet Child Disturb Concentration
JAKARTA, - Pattern provision of food intake in children greatly affect the health and development. And intake of certain nutrients can cause effects to balance a child's brain. The
trend love to eat sweet foods such as chocolate, sweets, biscuits and
other snacks that are considered "normal" by the parents turned out to
be bad for the health of children.
Iih, Geli! This work was twisting Putting Men Milk
Jakarta, The nipple is the most sensitive part of the breast that women should not be touched by any man except her own husband. If there is another man, maybe he's a professional nipple tweaking. What kind of work is it?
10 Should Avoid These Foods After Exercise
Jakarta, What do you eat right after exercise is more important than what you eat in the rest of the day. Error choose foods after exercise can cause the body to recover energy lost difficulties.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Study: IQ Test Not Accurate for Assessing Intelligence
Jakarta, IQ tests have been known for many years. Many people believe that this test can accurately measure a person's intelligence, but there is also the opinion the results are not necessarily accurate. A recent study supports the idea that states both IQ tests can be wrong.
Together Make Kids Eat Vegetables hooked - Eating habits along with the entire family, even if only once a week, it could increase the child's interest in vegetables and fruits.
4 Kick Safe Enchanting Women Heart
VIVAlife - Some men say, women are being the most difficult to understand. True? Apparently not. Many things can be done to attract women men.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Mushrooms, Solutions Overcome Malnutrition
Kokap, Kulonprogo Yogyakarta is the area that covers 53% of the poor. In the medical examination in June 2011, found five of 25 infants suffering from malnutrition. This was due to the arid soil found in the Kokap.
Study: Decrease Opium porn Trigger Power Thought
VIVAlife - The book "Why Men Do not Listen & Women Can not Read Maps' writings Allan and Barbara Pease asserts that sex occupies the largest portion of the male brain. The claim was strengthened by the results of a survey that shows the majority of men enjoy pornography.
Midwives "The Silent Hero" - Evening peak awarding Heroine Award 2012 has been place on Tuesday (12/18/2012) in Jakarta. The annual event has been running since 2009, aims to give appreciation to the midwife inspirational figures who have devoted themselves to the people, especially in efforts to accelerate the success of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in particular points 1, 4, and 5 are lower numbers of poor nutrition and nutrition worse, the death rate infant / toddler, and improve the health of the mother.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Tea and Honey Will Replace Antibiotics? - The phenomenon of resistance of germs to antibiotics again voiced increasingly alarming health experts. Recipes of traditional medicine such as tea and honey prepared as one of the alternative solutions to address the growing bacteria resistant to drugs.
Eliminate Stress? Laugh It!
HAVE good health does not mean have a fit body. Positive thinking and stress free is also an important part of the body to get really fit and healthy.
In this day and age, we can see how there are so many expenses that can make us stress. Pressure of work or the environment can increase the burden of thinking that lead to stress. And laughing is one of the most effectual remedy that you can use as a treatment for relaxation and stress you experience, as reported by Magforwoman.
For many people, insomnia behold, it was disturbing. At a time when everyone was asleep, insomnia sufferers is still difficult to close my eyes. Even when most people are preparing to move in the morning, the insomniacs have just buried it in the dusk.Insomnia
is usually present due to several factors such as lack of exercise,
stress, indicative of a serious illness, and so on. Insomnia is not going to happen protracted if we know the effective ways to prevent insomnia. Some of the ways you can be a clue to overcome the insomnia:1. Stop the consumption of caffeine, alcohol, and cigarettes at nightCaffeine, alcohol, and cigarettes are some of the triggers of insomnia. Avoid caffeine, cigarettes and alcohol in the evening and at night to help you sleep.
2. Set the condition of the roomsGetting dark and dim lights that you put in the room, the better the quality of your sleep. Make your quiet room with no other noise. Dark at room conditions can accelerate the release of calming hormones (melatonin) of the brain, so that you too can fall asleep.3. The bed only for sleepNothing prohibits you nurture and encourage your pet to sleep together in one bed. But if you are having trouble sleeping at night, it could not hurt to let your pets sleep in his cage. Do not also make your room a place to read, watch, or play with a pet. It will make you sleep soundly in the room.4. Make physical activityLack of physical activity such as exercise can trigger insomnia. For that exercise regularly in the morning and not at night. Exercise done at six o'clock in the morning and should not be 3-4 hours before your bedtime. Sports activities in the evening can make your body stay active and not 'willing to' take a sleep.5. Both ends are eatingAvoid foods or drinks too much before you intend to sleep. Enjoy your dinner up to two hours before bedtime.6. Without coercionDo not force yourself to sleep if you did not want to sleep. Let you fall asleep on its own without closing his eyes made-up. Enjoy warm milk or read for 30 minutes before bed can help you faster sleepy.7. Avoid nappingAnother reason that causes insomnia is a routine nap. Avoid these activities to facilitate you sleepy at night. Sleep and wake up at the same time every day so that your body used to the rhythm.8. Set the sleep positionIf fatigue and back pain is the reason why you are experiencing insomnia, try to reset your sleep position. Put a pillow on your knees and sleep sideways. This position can reduce back stiffness and maintain the position back. That way you can sleep more soundly.
If insomnia is still ongoing more than a month, immediately consult your doctor in order to receive further treatment, because insomnia also indicate health problems such as allergies, depression, asthma, and so on.
2. Set the condition of the roomsGetting dark and dim lights that you put in the room, the better the quality of your sleep. Make your quiet room with no other noise. Dark at room conditions can accelerate the release of calming hormones (melatonin) of the brain, so that you too can fall asleep.3. The bed only for sleepNothing prohibits you nurture and encourage your pet to sleep together in one bed. But if you are having trouble sleeping at night, it could not hurt to let your pets sleep in his cage. Do not also make your room a place to read, watch, or play with a pet. It will make you sleep soundly in the room.4. Make physical activityLack of physical activity such as exercise can trigger insomnia. For that exercise regularly in the morning and not at night. Exercise done at six o'clock in the morning and should not be 3-4 hours before your bedtime. Sports activities in the evening can make your body stay active and not 'willing to' take a sleep.5. Both ends are eatingAvoid foods or drinks too much before you intend to sleep. Enjoy your dinner up to two hours before bedtime.6. Without coercionDo not force yourself to sleep if you did not want to sleep. Let you fall asleep on its own without closing his eyes made-up. Enjoy warm milk or read for 30 minutes before bed can help you faster sleepy.7. Avoid nappingAnother reason that causes insomnia is a routine nap. Avoid these activities to facilitate you sleepy at night. Sleep and wake up at the same time every day so that your body used to the rhythm.8. Set the sleep positionIf fatigue and back pain is the reason why you are experiencing insomnia, try to reset your sleep position. Put a pillow on your knees and sleep sideways. This position can reduce back stiffness and maintain the position back. That way you can sleep more soundly.
If insomnia is still ongoing more than a month, immediately consult your doctor in order to receive further treatment, because insomnia also indicate health problems such as allergies, depression, asthma, and so on.
Midwives in the Region Still Face Many Obstacles - The role of the midwife is very important for public health. Data Indonesian Midwives Association (IBI) states, at least 60 per cent of babies born in Indonesia through midwives. Maternity services through obstetricians only about 5 (five) percent, and the rest are still using non-medical services.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Beware Danger Gangnam Dance Style
VIVAlife - Eamonn Kilbride News of the death of a warning over the state of our health. 46 year-old British man died after a passionate dance on horseback movement ala 'Gangnam Style' at a party.
Reported by the Telegraph, who initially seemed energetic Kilbride suddenly collapsed with a complaint of pain in the chest. He suffered a sudden heart attack due to coronary heart disease undiagnosed.
Mom Who Gives Exclusive breastfeeding Avoid These Diseases
Jakarta, breast milk is the essential nutrients needed by the baby, at least during the initial 6 months of life. But not many babies in Indonesia are getting enough milk exclusively. The reason is, the mothers do not have time to breastfeed because of busy work. Though many health benefits gained by mothers to breastfeed their babies.
Jogging in the Region could Adverse Pollution - Nice casual running or jogging on the streets? It's true, it could menyehatkan.Namun you must also consider the location, because of high pollution levels could be detrimental.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Side Effects Rahim Appointment
Hysterectomy is the removal of the uterus is done with surgery. Under certain conditions, this is done to improve health conditions. However, many are also made without right.
The decision to undergo hysterectomy should not be underestimated. Often surgery is done for improper reasons, such as the removal of small myomas. In fact, this surgery should be performed if symptoms actually require such action.
Well, a Good Listener Also Smart Sex
Jakarta, In order to get maximum sex satisfaction, there are various criteria that must be met. Whether it's a fun foreplay, lubrication fitting atmosphere bedroom or support. But there is one crucial thing required each couple is a couple that understanding and a good listener.
Physical Test To Know When You'll Die
ADELAIDE, - A simple test where we sit on the floor, and then stand will determine when someone will die.
According to the website, a report published in the European Journal of Preventive Thursday (12/14/2012) shows the correlation between the difficulty getting up from a sitting position is at risk when he will die.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Myths and Facts Rheumatic Diseases - Rheumatism is a common disease that affects people both young and old Indonesia. This disease attacks the joints and supporting tissue structures around the joints that can cause pain. In severe levels, arthritis can even cause permanent disability, disability and decreased quality of life.
Doctors in China Fuels the Brain to Treat Mentally Ill Patients
Jakarta, probably only those who dare brave or desperate to try this therapy. There is a Chinese medicine made by burning brain cells to cure patients of mental disorders. Well, maybe just a mental patient who was willing to try.
Wow, Masturbation Prevent Prostate Cancer
ADA unique facts behind prostate disorders commonly experienced by men. To prevent prostate problems, researchers discovered masturbation activities as a means of prevention.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
6 Bad Effects of Global Warming for Health - The effects of global warming one of which is climate change. Apparently, in addition to climate change negative impact on the environment, it is also bad for health. Here are some of the adverse effects of climate change on health:
If this impact 9 Being in Space Jam Air-Conditioned
Jakarta, the world of work today can not seem to escape from the use of air conditioner or air conditioning. But if you spend too much time in air-conditioned, first to 9 hours can cause health effects.
Research has proven to be in the open can strengthen the immune system because of the white blood cells that protect against bacteria need oxygen to work effectively.
Opponents Hypertension Causes Stroke & Heart with Yogurt
IF you question what could be an effective and healthy way to combat high blood pressure, eating yogurt may be the answer.
According to research conducted in the United States, low-fat yogurt is believed to have properties that help reduce the risk of hypertension. This is justified by the research study at Minnesota University.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Smoking Risk Women Make Twice Faster Died Young
Jakarta Want to know what can kill faster than sudden cardiac death or sudden cessation of cardiac function? The answer is smoking. According to a new study, smoking can even kill women twice as fast, mainly due to sudden cardiac death.
Trim Weight 31.5 Kg Because It Can Enjoy Life Due to Obesity
Jakarta, Elise Huffman feel fortunate to have a wonderful husband and two healthy children. But he could not fully enjoy life because of obesity makes it difficult to move experienced and less confident.
Obesity owned by Elise started because he never did the breakfast dams often eat 1-2 times in the afternoon and when it was late. In addition, when feeling lonely or stressed then he took it out on the food.
Be careful, Loneliness Can Make You Senile
VIVAlife - Feeling sad, unhappy, or upset? Beware negative emotional states such as these can lead you to be lonely. And a recent study noted if this loneliness can lead to Alzheimer's disease or dementia.
Theory says that loneliness is a health risk factor, due to the lack of ability of a person to contact with the environment. Are researchers from the Amsterdam Study of the Elderly which was then doing research on 2000 people, who live without symptoms of dementia. These are people who live alone and living with others.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Coconut Oil Powerful Overcome Damage Teeth
MANY foods or sugary drinks can cause tooth decay. The researchers found that the content in coconut oil may help overcome the damage to the tooth.
Tooth decay affects between 60 to 90 percent of children and nearly all adults in industrialized countries. His belief is that coconut oil will fight the bacteria in plaque, prevent spoilage.
Extreme Allergies, This boy & his mother can not Decorate Native Christmas Tree
Jakarta, Theo Lester (6) actually want to decorate a pine tree that is native Christmas tree. But he had the attack and had to be content with a fake Christmas tree. For Theo and his mother suffered an extreme allergic, so they can not touch the original tree.
Theo and his mother, Bree (37), will experience anaphylactic shock when near the pine tree native or bite mince pies containing peanuts. And mince pie is a traditional English pie that often exist during the celebration of Christmas.
Recognize Digestive Disorders In Infants and Effects - One out of three healthy humans tend to experience gastrointestinal hypersensitivity. This will more often in children aged under 5 years, with the possibility of about 30-40 per cent of children had gastrointestinal hypersensitivity. Since most of the children, there was immaturity or gastrointestinal immaturity.
Gastrointestinal hypersensitivity disorders are often considered normal and is often termed the things doctors like Gastrooesephageal Reflux, Dyspepsia, Stomach Discomfort, small stomach, stomach valve is not perfect, the lack of the enzyme, the absorption is not good, allergy to cow's milk or any other term. Various terms are sometimes referred to by several different doctors in the same patient.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Ssssttt ... Eat Tempe Can Help Overcome Diarrhea, Why!
Diarrhea you've certainly felt I knew how miserable these stomach aches. If not handled properly, diarrhea will disrupt all our activities and even death for children or parents.
Treatment of diarrhea, doctors usually treated by replacing lost fluids and do not stop feeding especially easy to digest such as porridge. Cessation of feeding will reduce the nutritional status of the patient.
Brushing Tips Good & True
HOW long do you brush your teeth every day? A minute or maybe 5 minutes? Many of us apparently do not brush your teeth properly. The importance of brushing teeth properly can help you maintain your oral hygiene.
Only 20 percent of the world's population who brush their teeth properly. Because the brush is a simple matter, a lot of people who think this practice is not important enough. In fact, oral health can affect your overall health, as reported by Healthmeup.
8 Ways Detox Without Starving - Habits mengasup variety of food "delicious" but sadly needs to be balanced with the alias cleansing detox several times a year.
Nutritionist Christine Gerbsatdt, author of The Doctor's Detox Diet provides a healthier and more effective way to remove toxins from the body as follows:
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Menthol cigarettes Increase Stroke Risk Than 2 Times Fold the Ordinary
Reports a study published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine confirms that menthol cigarettes vacuum 2-fold higher risk of stroke than other types used tobacco. This risk will increase 3-fold higher in women and non-black people.
Controlled Weight Loss Tricks Neither style Atiqah Hasiholan
KEEPING appearance is certainly very important for an artist. Moreover, with the active and solid, and the necessary physical stamina.
Atiqah Hasiholan Indonesia is one of the well-known artists have a slim and beautiful body. Admittedly, one of the keys to get into shape and healthy to consume juice every day.
Atiqah Hasiholan Indonesia is one of the well-known artists have a slim and beautiful body. Admittedly, one of the keys to get into shape and healthy to consume juice every day.
French Men Sperm Quality Down 30 Percent - sperm count average French man fell about 30 percent. The conclusion was generated after inspection of cement at 26,600 French men.
The number of millions of spermatozoa per milliliter decreased by approximately 32.3 percent or 1.9 percent per year. In addition, the percentage of normal sperm forms had dropped to 33.4 percent.
In the last 20 years was found to decrease the amount and quality of the male sperm. Studies in Europe show, 1 in 5 young men have a low sperm count so there is enough for fertilization.
The number of millions of spermatozoa per milliliter decreased by approximately 32.3 percent or 1.9 percent per year. In addition, the percentage of normal sperm forms had dropped to 33.4 percent.
In the last 20 years was found to decrease the amount and quality of the male sperm. Studies in Europe show, 1 in 5 young men have a low sperm count so there is enough for fertilization.
Friday, December 7, 2012
Modification of Diet While Pregnant - Good Pregnancy determine fetal growth be good too. Nutrients are eaten during pregnancy need to be considered because your baby will absorb nutrients from the foods you eat. If you go on a diet before you get pregnant, then you need dietary modification during pregnancy. Here are tips on modifying diet while pregnant:
- Calculate your calorie intake
Not only the extent Fiber Food Diet
VIVAlife - Dietary fiber or fibrous foods is an essential component needed for the body. Therefore, many physicians emphasized the importance of dietary fiber in their daily lives. Moreover, the fiber is a natural way to prevent constipation. This dikarenakann fiber absorbs water as it passes through the digestive tract so that the texture becomes softer stools.
Even more ironic, not everyone is getting enough fiber intake in the body. In fact, women should consume 25 grams of fiber per day, while men need 35 to 40 grams per day. Today, almost half of people only have 15 grams of fiber per day.
Want Sterile Food Pesticides? This choice Very Minimal Toxins
An apple a day keeps the doctor away! Yes, if chemical-free apples. In fact, apples including foods containing high pesticide residues, in addition to grapes, pears, cherries, peppers, and celery.
So according to a U.S. study. The solutions offered then, choosing organic products.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away! Yes, if chemical-free apples. In fact, apples including foods containing high pesticide residues, in addition to grapes, pears, cherries, peppers, and celery.
So according to a U.S. study. The solutions offered then, choosing organic products.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Excessive exercise risking Heart
SPORT is very important to keep your body fit. However, if done in excess and in the long term, if the body's activities can harm the heart.
Heart attacks during exercise is often the case. Attacks that lead to death, there are many casualties. The intention would be counterproductive exercise to be healthy, get sick, and even taken away his soul.
Yes, exercise is healthy, but if done excessively it will damage the heart. Experts have warned that moderate exercise and performed regularly, including jogging, it can provide health benefits to the body. However, it will turn out to be dangerous if taken too far and too long. This conclusion was made after reviewing several studies on the health condition of a runner.
Heart attacks during exercise is often the case. Attacks that lead to death, there are many casualties. The intention would be counterproductive exercise to be healthy, get sick, and even taken away his soul.
Yes, exercise is healthy, but if done excessively it will damage the heart. Experts have warned that moderate exercise and performed regularly, including jogging, it can provide health benefits to the body. However, it will turn out to be dangerous if taken too far and too long. This conclusion was made after reviewing several studies on the health condition of a runner.
The Rich More Longevity - Money may not buy happiness, but money will help us avoid diseases caused by feeling unhappy and stressed. That is why according to research in the UK even though the same stress but the rich live longer than the poor.
According to lead researcher, Ivan Dr.Antonio Lazzarino, the combination of poverty and stress can be a "bomb" for health.
According to lead researcher, Ivan Dr.Antonio Lazzarino, the combination of poverty and stress can be a "bomb" for health.
Morning, Right Time Prevent Cardiovascular Risk
VIVAlife - Do you often feel tired excess, but not doing the heavy work? This may be a symptom of heart attack. It's good, you know the facts and how to deal with these killer sillent.
Heart disease is the number one killer, especially in women. Times of India noted that women aged 25-69 years in India, died from heart disease, and it reached 32.8 percent.
Heart disease is the number one killer, especially in women. Times of India noted that women aged 25-69 years in India, died from heart disease, and it reached 32.8 percent.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
8 Ways to Protect and Maintain Sharpness Ear
Jakarta, Hearing loss can be caused by aging or the effects of environmental noise. Given the sense of hearing is very important, keep your health and your hearing acuity.
Here are 8 ways you can do to protect yourself from hearing loss, as reported readersdigest, Wednesday (12/05/2012), among others:
Here are 8 ways you can do to protect yourself from hearing loss, as reported readersdigest, Wednesday (12/05/2012), among others:
Pain While Urinating? Watchful Prostate Disorders
PROBLEMS of the prostate is often associated with age. However, it is possible younger men with prostate problems can also be affected. Learn about the early symptoms of this disease to get proper treatment.
The condition is prostate problems are often experienced by men with older age. This disorder is caused by enlargement of the prostate gland that go beyond normal limits. Here are the early symptoms of prostate problems that you can notice, as reported by LIVESTRONG.
The condition is prostate problems are often experienced by men with older age. This disorder is caused by enlargement of the prostate gland that go beyond normal limits. Here are the early symptoms of prostate problems that you can notice, as reported by LIVESTRONG.
In order for your Sleep More Qualified - Conditions are fresh and fit body is the hope of every person after waking. But no less sleep can actually make the body become stiff so that the body be less fresh. Here is a tip that can be done to improve the quality of sleep that can wake up more refreshed:
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Groceries Lowering Blood Sugar Levels
PATIENTS with diabetes need to be careful in eating foods. This is done so that the sugar levels in the body does not trip. However, there are some foods that friendly for diabetics blood sugar levels.
The number of people with diabetes continues to increase worldwide. While heredity plays a role in it. Other factors such as dietary habits and lifestyle are also important. People with high blood sugar have to be extra careful about what they eat. Some of the following foods can help lower blood sugar levels, as reported by Magforwoman.
Blood on Virgin Signs First Night? - Still a virgin or not a woman actually can not be assessed from the blood when having sex on the first night.
Raspberries, How to Succeed Langsingkan Body
VIVAlife - Many products are created to help melangsingakan body. The manufacturer also claims their product is safe. In fact, products like these much criticized by doctors. Of course it's because of the side effects that followed. Actually, to get the perfect curves, you can drop the safer option. Raspberries.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Minimal Food Pesticide Residue - An apple a day keeps the doctor away! Yes, if
chemical-free apples. In fact, apples including foods containing high pesticide
residues, in addition to grapes, pears, cherries, peppers, and celery. So
according to a U.S. study. The solutions offered then, choosing organic
Stomach Buncit Create Vulnerable Broken Bones - Having excess fat in the abdomen especially it
is not advised both men and women. Addition will make the body becomes
susceptible to degenerative diseases, belly will also make a person susceptible
to injury.
A study shows men with obesity and a higher risk of belly fat have weak bones and fractures compared to normal weight men to the extent of fat.
A study shows men with obesity and a higher risk of belly fat have weak bones and fractures compared to normal weight men to the extent of fat.
Well, Number of Males 'Bad' that HIV Taxable Up 7 Times Fold
Jakarta, If the
first HIV / AIDS was found diidap by injecting drug users due to the use of
syringes in turn, now the trend is changing. Cases
of HIV / AIDS has now started to increase dramatically among men who like to
Integrated Survey and Biological Behavior (STPD) 2007 show as much as 52.4% of cases of HIV infection occurred among injecting drug users. But in 2011, the figure dropped to 42.4%.
Integrated Survey and Biological Behavior (STPD) 2007 show as much as 52.4% of cases of HIV infection occurred among injecting drug users. But in 2011, the figure dropped to 42.4%.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Watchful salt levels in cheese - Cheese included in food products are recommended by nutritionists as protein, vitamins, and calcium. However, you should be careful to choose the cheese because there are a lot of products that contain high salt.
In an analysis of 722 cheeses made by the group Consensus Action on Salt and Health (Cash), found a lot size of 30 grams of cheese products containing more salt than a bag of chips.
The cheese is salty Roquefort cheese highest ie 1.06 grams of salt per 30 grams, followed by feta and halloumi cheese. Meanwhile, the cheese is the lowest salt content mozzarella, emmental, and Wensleydale.
The analysis was performed on 30 different types of cheese from seven major supermarkets in the UK during the month of November 2012.
Foods that contain high amounts of salt should be avoided because it can increase the risk of hypertension. Recommended salt intake per day is no more than 6 grams, or about 6 teaspoons.
In response to these findings Cash, Dr Judith Bryans, Director of Dairy Council, said, salt is an important part of the process of making cheese. Salt is not added to add flavor, but for technical and security reasons.
"Companies cheese maker has made efforts to reduce salt in their products," said Bryans.
British Health Minister, Anna Soubry, said the government would discuss with the industry in which they can reduce levels of salt. Single labeling scheme will also be made to facilitate the consumers compare the nutrient content of each product.
In an analysis of 722 cheeses made by the group Consensus Action on Salt and Health (Cash), found a lot size of 30 grams of cheese products containing more salt than a bag of chips.
The cheese is salty Roquefort cheese highest ie 1.06 grams of salt per 30 grams, followed by feta and halloumi cheese. Meanwhile, the cheese is the lowest salt content mozzarella, emmental, and Wensleydale.
The analysis was performed on 30 different types of cheese from seven major supermarkets in the UK during the month of November 2012.
Foods that contain high amounts of salt should be avoided because it can increase the risk of hypertension. Recommended salt intake per day is no more than 6 grams, or about 6 teaspoons.
In response to these findings Cash, Dr Judith Bryans, Director of Dairy Council, said, salt is an important part of the process of making cheese. Salt is not added to add flavor, but for technical and security reasons.
"Companies cheese maker has made efforts to reduce salt in their products," said Bryans.
British Health Minister, Anna Soubry, said the government would discuss with the industry in which they can reduce levels of salt. Single labeling scheme will also be made to facilitate the consumers compare the nutrient content of each product.
Subtract Soda Drinking Habits to Prevent Prostate Cancer
- Consumption of sweetened beverages has been linked to dangerous
health risk sharing such as an increased risk of stroke in women. For men, it turns out the consumption of sweet drinks can endanger the health of his prostate.
The new findings stated that men who drink a glass or 11 fluid ounces of soft drinks such as soda every day had a risk of developing a form of cancer of the prostate. Prostate cancer is cancer that develops in the prostate, the gland that plays a role in the male reproductive system.
Cancer can develop when cells in the prostate mutate and growing up to be a cancerous tumor and difficult to control. Prostate cancer may cause pain in the genital area, difficulty urinating, erectile dysfunction and other symptoms.
Researchers from Lund University in Sweden conducted a study of more than 8,000 men aged between 45 to 73 years. The study was conducted over a period of 15 years and the results were published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Researchers found that men whose diets high in glucose from carbohydrate foods may increase the risk of developing mild form of prostate cancer by 31 percent. However, most cases do not require treatment.
While men who consume more sweetened beverages have an increased risk of developing a mild form of cancer by 38 percent. The researchers noted that in order to reduce the risk of a person needs to change his diet to reduce sugary drinks like soda, which contain high levels of sweeteners.
Previous studies have linked the intake of soft drinks or soda in high enough amounts can lead to osteoarthritis and increase the risk of stroke in women by 83 percent. Another study also found that people who drank regular soda once a day have a higher risk for prostate cancer.
"Further studies of how genes respond to high levels of glucose in food or sugary drinks still needs to be done. However it is clear that a diet high in sugary foods or drinks harmful for the body because it increases the risk of various diseases," said Drake, one of the researchers involved in study, as reported by Medical Daily, Friday (11/30/2012).
The new findings stated that men who drink a glass or 11 fluid ounces of soft drinks such as soda every day had a risk of developing a form of cancer of the prostate. Prostate cancer is cancer that develops in the prostate, the gland that plays a role in the male reproductive system.
Cancer can develop when cells in the prostate mutate and growing up to be a cancerous tumor and difficult to control. Prostate cancer may cause pain in the genital area, difficulty urinating, erectile dysfunction and other symptoms.
Researchers from Lund University in Sweden conducted a study of more than 8,000 men aged between 45 to 73 years. The study was conducted over a period of 15 years and the results were published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Researchers found that men whose diets high in glucose from carbohydrate foods may increase the risk of developing mild form of prostate cancer by 31 percent. However, most cases do not require treatment.
While men who consume more sweetened beverages have an increased risk of developing a mild form of cancer by 38 percent. The researchers noted that in order to reduce the risk of a person needs to change his diet to reduce sugary drinks like soda, which contain high levels of sweeteners.
Previous studies have linked the intake of soft drinks or soda in high enough amounts can lead to osteoarthritis and increase the risk of stroke in women by 83 percent. Another study also found that people who drank regular soda once a day have a higher risk for prostate cancer.
"Further studies of how genes respond to high levels of glucose in food or sugary drinks still needs to be done. However it is clear that a diet high in sugary foods or drinks harmful for the body because it increases the risk of various diseases," said Drake, one of the researchers involved in study, as reported by Medical Daily, Friday (11/30/2012).
Successful dieting tricks without torment
Although it
is good for health or for beauty, diet programs
can be very painful. You have to resist the
urge to eat a variety of favorite
foods that are delicious and
should reduce the amount of food that the
stomach is often a famine.
With a few simple tricks, you can escape from the situation.
Healthy Diet
By following the practical steps, you can run your diet without feeling tortured. What are the tricks that a healthy diet does not make you miserable?
Drink Water
Drinking water can reduce feelings of hunger, you can try drinking a glass of water before a tempting desire for snacking. Hunger can be reduced with the consumption of water, eating the results was reduced. In addition, water can dissolve fat in the body so taking it is very good for health.
Display the Food Healthier You
Putting healthy foods such as fruits or vegetables in a place easily visible will allow you to reach them. For example, by putting it at the center of the refrigerator, on the contrary position of cheeses, biscuits, fizzy drinks or other foods that are rich in calories can be put in place that are less visible.
Add a Healthy Food Dishes
Try adding vegetables on your plate. It's okay to occasionally enjoy a meal at your favorite restaurant, but do not forget the message portion of salad as a complement. Vegetables are rich in fiber that can make you feel full so that the stomach does not charge to keep filled.
Enjoy Food
Those who like to eat quickly tend to be fat fast. This is because when people eat slowly and enjoy the food, it will give enough time for the body to provide a satiety signal to the brain so that the amount of food you eat less. Avoid eating while chatting or watching television. Habits like this will make you eat more servings.
Create Notes Food
Take note of what foods you already eat can help you better watch out for any food to be eaten again. It will also help avoid "missed" with the high-calorie food that enters the body.
Note should be made accurately and completely. Write down everything you eat including smaller portions like 2 pieces of biscuit are all the toppings of food eaten. For example, when eating bread, topping record what to wear. Note also how many servings you eat. With the notes, you can analyze what has made about your weight gain.
The thing to remember in a diet is the need to be realistic. Do not expect to come down too much in the short term. With a calm mind and apply these practical tricks can make you not afraid when making a diet.
By following the practical steps, you can run your diet without feeling tortured. What are the tricks that a healthy diet does not make you miserable?
Drink Water
Drinking water can reduce feelings of hunger, you can try drinking a glass of water before a tempting desire for snacking. Hunger can be reduced with the consumption of water, eating the results was reduced. In addition, water can dissolve fat in the body so taking it is very good for health.
Display the Food Healthier You
Putting healthy foods such as fruits or vegetables in a place easily visible will allow you to reach them. For example, by putting it at the center of the refrigerator, on the contrary position of cheeses, biscuits, fizzy drinks or other foods that are rich in calories can be put in place that are less visible.
Add a Healthy Food Dishes
Try adding vegetables on your plate. It's okay to occasionally enjoy a meal at your favorite restaurant, but do not forget the message portion of salad as a complement. Vegetables are rich in fiber that can make you feel full so that the stomach does not charge to keep filled.
Enjoy Food
Those who like to eat quickly tend to be fat fast. This is because when people eat slowly and enjoy the food, it will give enough time for the body to provide a satiety signal to the brain so that the amount of food you eat less. Avoid eating while chatting or watching television. Habits like this will make you eat more servings.
Create Notes Food
Take note of what foods you already eat can help you better watch out for any food to be eaten again. It will also help avoid "missed" with the high-calorie food that enters the body.
Note should be made accurately and completely. Write down everything you eat including smaller portions like 2 pieces of biscuit are all the toppings of food eaten. For example, when eating bread, topping record what to wear. Note also how many servings you eat. With the notes, you can analyze what has made about your weight gain.
The thing to remember in a diet is the need to be realistic. Do not expect to come down too much in the short term. With a calm mind and apply these practical tricks can make you not afraid when making a diet.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Healthy Foods for Babies
To support development and growth, requires the input of a healthy baby, of food and milk they drink. This applies after the baby is older than 6 months, given from birth to 6 months of age, parents should give exclusive breast milk intake. As a parent, you naturally want the best for the baby. However, due to lack of information, the intake of which is given to your child can damage the baby's health. Did you give your baby food and milk is best for your baby?
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Prevent Pollution Effects with Vitamin C
Antioxidants have been shown to be an agent effective free radical fighter. In a small-scale study revealed that the habit mengasup foods containing vitamin C can protect the heart from the effects of air pollution.
Researchers from Imperial College London found that people with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease more commonly referred to hospital when high levels of particulate matter (pollutants) in the environment outside is high. High particulate matter are the pollutants that cause oxidative stress in the body and in the long run lead to a heart attack.
Researchers from Imperial College London found that people with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease more commonly referred to hospital when high levels of particulate matter (pollutants) in the environment outside is high. High particulate matter are the pollutants that cause oxidative stress in the body and in the long run lead to a heart attack.
Five Formula For Aging Skin Before Time
The skin is the largest organ of our body as well as the main protector. Having a healthy and glowing skin is a dream woman.
Not infrequently the womenfolk diving a number of treatments for maintaining healthy skin. Dulakukan treatment by conventional or modern.
Not infrequently the womenfolk diving a number of treatments for maintaining healthy skin. Dulakukan treatment by conventional or modern.
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