Monday, December 17, 2012

Jogging in the Region could Adverse Pollution - Nice casual running or jogging on the streets? It's true, it could menyehatkan.Namun you must also consider the location, because of high pollution levels could be detrimental.

A study in Belgium indicates, running on the highway with a high level of pollution can be bad for your brain. Researchers from Vrije Universiteit Brussel in Belgium group of 24 runners split into two groups: the first group came from urban areas and the second group came from rural areas. For 12 weeks, both groups were asked to run three times a week in the afternoon.
The first group to do it in a busy urban area, while the other group did in rural areas. After that, the researchers gave the test to measure their intelligence. Researchers found that the group that ran the city had an average IQ score lower and have a higher risk of inflammation of the brain affected than the group that ran in the countryside.
These results are consistent with a study last month that found people who live in areas with high pollution levels scored worse on tests of mental abilities such as remembering words, knowledge, language, and orientation.
According to researchers at the National Institute on Aging United States, the fine particles of air pollution in urban areas is the cause of the decline in brain function for people who live in the city .. This is exacerbated when they ran, they could absorb more pollution. Researchers even taking into account factors such as age, race, ethnicity, education, smoking, and lung and heart conditions.
However, this does not mean you can not exercise in the urban areas. Romain Meeusen, head of research department of Human Physiology and Sports'm not saying you have to exercise, but try to exercise when windy or raining, because it can blow away the fine particles.
He also recommends avoiding exercising outdoors during peak hours to try to avoid the pollution from exhaust fumes, will be even better if exercising in the park. Another reason not to skip your morning run is a run can also increase your longevity, which is an average of 6 years.
Danish researchers compared the death of a routine of jogging and about 20,000 people aged 20 to 93 years. After monitoring for 35 years, among those who regularly exercise as much as 122 people died, while that does not like jogging reached 10,158 people. Researchers noted that regular jogging can cut the risk of death by 44 percent.

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