Thursday, December 20, 2012

Together Make Kids Eat Vegetables hooked - Eating habits along with the entire family, even if only once a week, it could increase the child's interest in vegetables and fruits.

Similarly, according to a survey conducted by a team from the University of Leeds, UK, on 2389 children. According to a survey conducted in 52 primary schools around London, England, it was nearly two-thirds of the children (63 percent) have not mengasup fruits and vegetables as recommended by the WHO, the five servings of fruits and vegetables, or about 400 grams.

However, children who frequently eat together with their parents eating 1.5 servings of fruits and vegetables more than children who never eat together. The benefits of eating together to increase interest in healthy food that still looks even children only eat together once a week.

Because children always imitate the habits of those around them, children are fond of vegetables usually are those whose parents are eating fruits and vegetables.

"When eating with the family, children learn about the diet of the parents or older siblings," said Janet Cade, from the University's School of Food Science and Nutrition.

In addition to increasing interest in fruits and vegetables, eating together is an important opportunity to teach children about good behavior.


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