Monday, December 24, 2012

Excessive nausea Must Not Make Bumil Less Nutrition - During pregnancy some women feel nauseous often leads to excessive vomiting, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. Experienced nausea makes appetite was reduced. If left unchecked, it is concerned that pregnant women can not meet the nutritional needs of her and her baby.
Obstetrics and gynecology specialist, dr. Febriansyah Darus, explain the nausea experienced by pregnant women is actually a normal phenomenon. The cause is excessive pregnancy hormones that weaken the digestive tract muscles.
"It will create high levels of stomach acid so that pregnant women feel fullness, or nausea," said Febri, Saturday (22/12/2012), in Jakarta
Pregnant women, he said, should realize that this is normal nausea experienced, so no need to worry excessively, panic or distress. Distress of pregnant women who experience nausea will actually make the condition worse. Therefore, psychological support from the surrounding environment can also help pregnant women to get through this sickness.
Febri added, nausea experienced during early pregnancy will cause decreased appetite. However, every pregnant woman should remain aware of the importance of nutritional needs. Therefore, pregnant women need to make a strategy in order to obtain balanced nutrition.
"Sometimes pregnant women find excessive nausea and vomiting to avoid eating after. Yet this is not good. Pregnant women should keep eating, so the nutritional needs remain adequate. Solution, mothers can eat a little bit, but with a frequency more often," said Febriansyah .
Febriansyah also said, the good news from excessive nausea experienced by women in the first trimester of pregnancy will actually reduce the risk of miscarriage. "A study shows that the nausea experienced during pregnancy is because the body produces many progesterone. Especially rise to the placenta, so as to keep the placenta to be strong," he said.

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