Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Eliminate Stress? Laugh It!

HAVE good health does not mean have a fit body. Positive thinking and stress free is also an important part of the body to get really fit and healthy.

In this day and age, we can see how there are so many expenses that can make us stress. Pressure of work or the environment can increase the burden of thinking that lead to stress. And laughing is one of the most effectual remedy that you can use as a treatment for relaxation and stress you experience, as reported by Magforwoman.

When you laugh, increases blood flow to help the body being relaxed and relieve us from stress. When a happy laugh, you'll see something with positis mind which in turn help handle problems better. You may have noticed that sometimes when you start the day with something cheerful, something that made laugh, your day run more smoothly than other days.

Uniquely, when you laugh hard enough, the nervous system in our brain releases chemicals that affect our emotions. When we laugh, enkephalins and endorphins are released in the brain, the nervous system in our brain releases chemicals that affect our emotions, behavior and the way we feel. Doctors have started using laughter therapy for patients who are dealing with stress and depression.

Laughter not only makes us feel better, but it has countless other benefits such as making us look eager, to help prevent heart attacks, helps the immune system has a better, free us from pain, and help produce energy in the body.

Sources: http://health.okezone.com/read/2012/12/14/486/732401/

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