Tuesday, January 22, 2013

More people are Fast Path Longevity

Jakarta, While walking to a place, it is better if you speed you even step foot was in no haste. One study showed that people who fast course, it would be a long life of up to 8 years old.

Most recently, Stephanie Studenski, MD, a professor of medicine at the University of Pittsburgh to study whether a person walking speed associated with health and vitality. Stephanie led the study involving more than 34,000 adults.

The research was conducted by measuring the running time required by each study participant for a distance of about 13 meters. Continue to monitor the health of the study participants for 21 years, which perform measurements periodically during the study period.

The research team found that people who walked faster than his colleagues, is an indicator that better health and longer life. The results took into account other factors such as age and gender.

"The velocity seems to be linear with respect to predictions of a person's life span," said Studenksi, as reported mensfitness, Tuesday (01/22/2013).

This study showed that people who walk faster naturally be healthier than others who run slower, especially among the elderly. Several other studies have also shown that walking faster can prolong life.

Another study conducted by a team Studenski also shown that people who work to improve the speed of the pace for more than a year, have the opportunity to live longer and 8 years later than those who did not speed up the pace.

Sources: http://health.detik.com/read/2013/01/22/073044/2149015/763/

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