Monday, January 7, 2013

Ngulik Type of Food Allergy Triggers

After eating tomatoes, Rafa (4) complaining itch and there is red spots on the skin. Originally Vanny, the mother assumes Rafa ordinary skin rash. After inspection and testing, Rafa apparently allergic to tomatoes. How can make a tomato allergy?

To answer the confusion Moms, it's good to see explanation Dr. dr. Zakiudin Munasir, SpA (K), Sub-Division of Allergy & Immunology Department of Pediatrics Faculty of medicine / RSCM Jakarta, on the types of foods trigger allergies, as reported by the tabloid Mom & Kiddie.
Types & Symptoms of Allergies
The word allergy is derived from the Greek language and Argon Allon. That is something that is deviant, or abnormal reactions (excessive) to a substance from the outside. In the normal circumstances when she eats or taking certain medications are not any symptoms, but in people who have allergies will react to cause a phenomenon called allergic diseases.
Allergic disease assortment dependent types. For allergy symptoms in the skin called urticaria / urticaria, eczema or atopic dermatis. Later in the gastrointestinal tract characterized by vomiting or diarrhea, respiratory tract from the nose to drain the possible symptoms of allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, and asthma, including the eyes can also be affected.
Basically all the organs of the body can be affected by allergies and even susuanan nerve can also arise vertigo for example, characterized the children will feel dizzy unclear. The symptoms are almost always appear a few minutes after eating, including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, itching (throat, mouth, eyes, skin, and ears), lip swelling, rash (red spots or bumps such as eczema), throat congestion ( difficulty in swallowing or breathing), swollen tongue and fill the mouth. More severe symptoms, such as chest pain, dizziness, pale or blue, weak pulse and loss of consciousness.
Please note, children experience allergies caused by two factors, namely genetic - inherited from parents to children - and the environment - triggers attached to them. Both of these factors act as strong. For example, the father has asthma, eczema is not necessarily the mother to have her child will be exposed to the same allergy. As long as there is no allergy originators it will not appear. But if there is no history of allergies in the family was allergic persists, maybe parents just the nature of the allergy.
Basically, all kinds of food can cause allergies. It's just the degree alergisitasnya (allergic strength) vary. For example, infants are more susceptible than wheat allergy to cow's milk or other foods, and fish more effect than chicken or beef allergy. There are even allergic to rice even though the amount is very little. Judging from strength to cause allergies, there are hiperalergenik and there is also hypoallergenic.
Type of Food Allergy Triggers
Here are the four most common types of food that cause allergies in young children, among them:
- Milk cows. In cow's milk whey and casein are proteins that cause allergies. The most frequent type of protein from whey is Betalaktoglobulin.
- Eggs. There are proteins that can cause allergies are ovalbumin.
- Peanut. Conarachin arachin protein and can cause allergies.
- Seafood / seafood for example, fish. Marine fish contains many histidine ie histamine forming materials.
In addition to the above foods, there are some people who simply can not stand or allergy when eating foods such as shellfish, soy (Glycine protein), legumes such as green beans and red beans, rice, fruit and vegetables. But the number of events is very small (rare). In Indonesia, soy rarely cause allergies. Therefore, soy milk is suitable for children. With a record has been formulated soy milk (soy formula / soy), soy milk is not pristine.
In vegetables, the commonly reported lactin containing tomatoes. If there are any children who may be allergic to certain fruits fruit contains a protein that causes allergies. But until now there has been no detailed explanation of the content of the fruits and vegetables that can cause allergies.
In essence, in all toddler foods may cause allergies but most often the case are four types of food on top.
Food Substitutes

Moms also need not worry because usually at age 1-3 years child allergy symptoms will disappear with age and in line with the maturity (maturity) gastrointestinal tract. If the channel cernanya good it will digest food properly.
For children who have allergies talent, should replace foods that trigger food allergies with a safer substitute consumption but has the same nutritional value (equivalent). If your child allergic to fish should be replaced with fresh water fish, but if allergies are arising also replace with other animal protein such as meat or chicken. For children who are allergic to fruits such as rambutan or jackfruit, can be replaced with other types of fruit. Similarly, for a tomato allergy, replace it with other vegetables. Indonesia is rich in fruits and vegetables, so it's difficult to find a meal replacement.

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