Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The breakfast menu is Right Brain Work Focus

VIVAlife - Skipping breakfast for reasons of time constraints it was not right. The body actually requires a lot of energy to start the day. Especially for your workers, breakfast becomes an essential input for the brain to create a mind so focused and comfortable doing all the activities.

Many thought that a cup of coffee, tea or cereal, or eat a snack, enough so breakfast. There is also a new use of leisure time for breakfast around 10:00.

How exactly the pattern of a proper breakfast?

"Breakfast is a meal and a drink made ​​before 9 am to meet 15 to 30 percent of the daily nutritional needs as part of a balanced nutrition to achieve healthy, fit, active and intelligent," said Chairman PERGIZI Food Indonesia, Prof.. Dr. Ire. H. Hardinsyah, MS when met at the event Declaration of National Breakfast Week & National Symposium healthy breakfast.

He also explained that the breakfast menu which is supposed to contain 15 to 25 percent of daily nutritional needs. In addition to getting the energy, the right breakfast will maintain normal weight because avoid excessive eating lunch.

The menu includes a balanced diet of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, water and fiber in order to get enough energy and metabolism a good performance.

"For example, if the energy sufficiency by a schoolboy about 2,000 calories and 40 grams of protein a day, every morning breakfast should provide 300 to 500 calories, and protein six to 10," he explained. The rest of the energy and protein needs will be met from lunch, dinner, and snack.


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