Friday, January 4, 2013

Sexual favors, Pregnant Fast? Try Position Here

EVERY couple would want to have a baby soon. However, there are some couples who find it difficult to get a baby. To overcome this, the following trick can be tried.

Pregnancy programs and good planning is one way that you could get pregnant. Apart from consulting a doctor, you also need to do some activities that can help your wife if only speed up the process of pregnancy. Here are a few steps, as reported by LIVESTRONG.

Choose safe sex positions

Position or style of sex also turned out to be one of the factors determining the success of your pregnancy. If you want to get pregnant, try to use sex missionary style, the position of men and women over there under. This style is not without purpose. In this position, will allow sperm to enter the cervix easily and reduce the risk of leakage during intercourse.

Routine sex

The amount of sexual activity that you do also affects the success of pregnancy. But too often sex is also not good. Generally, he takes a day to build up sperm after ejaculation in order to achieve optimal fertility. Having sex every two or three days to be able to put a greater chance of pregnancy.

Timing is everything

Because the woman's fertile days before ovulation makes sense if you calculate your fertility period. Classical methods such as calculating a calendar you can try. However, the easiest and most effective way to find out is to buy all the kit ovulation (fertility monitors) that can help you track your most fertile time each month. Having sex two to three days before ovulation to maximize your chances of getting pregnant.


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