Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Behind the Thin Body, Psychological Disorders Anorexia Haunted

Anorexia nervosa, a medical term for the condition of anorexia. This condition is an eating disorder with a high enough percentage that affects women around the world.

Anorekia nervosa is defined as a psychological disorder characterized by somatic delusions that you are too fat, when in fact your body is thin. Eating disorder statistics from reputable studies estimate that approximately seven million American women suffer from anorexia. Teenage girls are most vulnerable to anorexia, as well as young and middle-aged women, as reported by Magforwoman.

Those who have anorexia have einginan to look "thin". While you may have the desire to eliminate extra fat deposits in the body, but anorexia is a very bad condition. The desire to lose weight fast does not have to end with developing serious eating disorders such as anorexia.

Anorekia is a serious mental illness that can lead to bad consequences on the psychological and physical. It should not be treated as a lifestyle choice. If left untreated or undiagnosed, anorexia can be life threatening.
The psychological impact of anorexia include depression, anxiety, irritability, fear of weight gain, feeling fat piling up, but the body is very thin, social withdrawal, low self-esteem, increased self-critical assessment, instilling habits such as vomiting is strange to get rid of all the food you eat, and feeling suicidal. Some psychological consequences of anorexia is certainly dangerous and threatening you.

Sources: http://health.okezone.com/read/2013/02/04/482/756519/

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