Monday, February 4, 2013

Not Strong Drink Coffee? Only Chew Gum, The effect Same

Jakarta, Some people need coffee in order not sleepy, but unfortunately could not drink because stomach acid is often an easy ride or heart palpitations. No problem, just change the chewing gum. Evidently, the effect is almost the same.

A study in Japan proved that chewing gum can increase blood flow in the brain by 10 percent. The effect is in addition to improving the ability to think, well Alertness or maintain vigilance so as not easily sleepy.
Research published in the journal Brain and Cognition involves a number of participants who were asked to chew gum. While munching, brain dipincai with specific tools that can map the increased activity of brain cells.
Dipincai addition, the participants also underwent tests were performed with a computer alacrity. The way is by pressing the right or left according to the marking that appears on the screen. How swift and accurate reaction, it is to be assessed.
According to the observations, participants showed an increase in alertness and accuracy of the tests is currently living it while chewing gum. Normally, the brain takes 545 milliseconds to react while chewing gum so faster which is 493 milliseconds.
Their findings indicated that the activity of chewing gum effect on brain function.
This finding is reinforced by the results of brain scans conducted during the participants chewed gum. Apparently, part of the brain responsible jawabb maintain concentration and also regulate the movement became more active while chewing gum.
"Chew effect on the rate of reaction is very real. Maybe soccer team manager (Alex Fergusson, manager of Manchester United) just happened to be chewing gum, but it was the right thing," said Prof Andy Smith of Cardiff University was quoted as saying by the Daily Mail, Monday (02/04/2013).

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