Thursday, February 14, 2013

Look Sex Education in Boarding Schools Riau

Pekanbaru, often opposed to sex education in schools applied to the formal because it was considered too vulgar and can mislead the kids. But a boarding school in Pekanbaru provide such education. How?

Sex education to be one extracurricular given at boarding school Barussalam Pekanbaru. Materials provided knowledge about adolescent reproductive health, HIV-AIDS, maturation Age Marriage (PUP), to counseling about teen issues, provided through the Center for Adolescent Counseling Information (PIK-R).
"Early stand PIK-R Babussalam this since 2008. But had a vacuum and start growing again this year. Starteen name (Smart, Creative, Cheerful and Teenager)," said Joko Pujiono, The Centre for Development Program IPPA Pekanbaru, which also a counselor at PIK-R Babussalam, when met at boarding school Babussalam, Pekanbaru, on Wednesday (13/02/2013).
There are about 28 high school kids grades 1 and 2 who are members of PIK-R in Ponpes Babussalam, with 4 peer educators and peer counselors.
Due to be implemented in a boarding school, of education should be based on the rules and regulations. One of them, there are some materials that are given to a separate class of men and women.
"There is a special material that is separated, for example, about sexuality. Teaches shape male and female reproductive organs. Pondok pesantren's not be too vulgar. So the class split (between men and women) and the field is different. But given the material remains the same, "said Joko.
Grade separation is also intended to enable the students to be more open with the counselor and adviser, respectively, for the same sex.
According to Joko, PIK-R activity once a week, performed after Asr prayers (about 3-4 hours) before the prayer until sunset (around 6).
But outside of formal activities, members or younger siblings who have a problem, they could consult or confide in a counselor. The counselors are trained and usually also the same age, said she was ready to serve his friends who wanted to consult.
According to a female counselor, Lady Chintia Pratiwi (16 years), most problems were consulted by members of the PIK-R is about courtship, which is the most common problem among teens.
"Fortunately, the science can and can guide the younger brothers and sisters as well, especially about sexuality," said the lady, who is ready to become a counselor and a place to vent for his friends in Ponpes Babussalam for 24 hours.
PIK-R is one of the target program BKKBN (National Population and Family Planning) through PKBR (Foundation for Teens and family life) or is now widely known as program genre (Generation Planning).
The program is also partnering with the IPPA (Indonesian Family Planning Association). One goal is to reduce the number of early marriages in Indonesia that number continues to rise.
In addition, to prevent the spread of HIV-AIDS among adolescents, to prevent premarital sex, and avoid other juvenile delinquency.

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