Friday, February 8, 2013

Pregnant woman Withdrawal Bleeding After, What reason?

MANY couples who are worried about the safety of sexual intercourse during pregnancy. In some circumstances each sex during pregnancy is safe, but you should be wary, because if not careful bleeding can occur with your partner.

Bleeding after intercourse when you are pregnant is common and usually not a sign of danger. During pregnancy there is an increased blood supply to the cervix and vaginal walls. When a pregnant woman to have sex, is common to pregnant women in their second or third trimester minor bleeding after sex. If you are not experiencing cramping no blood flow profusely then you have no reason to worry. If you are not sure, contact your doctor immediately, as reported by eHow.

To prevent bleeding after sex while you're pregnant you can try different positions which will reduce the pressure in the mother. If you experience bleeding after sex while you're pregnant, you can ask for medical help to positively determine the cause.

If bleeding accompanied by cramping, contracting as stimulated by a partner, you can immediately do the examination. Bleeding during pregnancy can mean many different things. If you are not sure about the origin of the bleeding, the medical examination is the best way.


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