Monday, February 4, 2013

Snoring More Dangerous Than Obesity or Smoking - definitely annoying snoring sound, but more than that snoring is actually a sign of alarm danger to our health. Even a team of researchers from the U.S. Detroit stated that snoring is more dangerous than smoking! Snorers have a greater risk of carotid artery thickening than smokers, people who are obese (fat) or even who have high cholesterol levels even once.

Carotid arteries are the blood vessels that provide supply to the neck and head, including the brain. If the blood vessel wall thickening, it could be the beginning of many other vascular diseases.
Snoring and sleep apnea
Snoring has long been known to be a sign of stopping breathing during sleep or sleep apnea. Stopping breathing during sleep due to airway narrow, so even though the chest up and down trying to breathe, no air can flow through. As a result, the oxygen will fall throughout the night. Experts have stated that sleep apnea is a major cause of hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, impotence to stroke.
In fact since 2003, the world of modern medicine already agrees that one of the main causes of high blood pressure (hypertension) is sleep apnea. This was stated in the report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Pressure, better known as JNC7.
While a variety of medical research journals continues to grow and includes about how sleep apnea causes fatal diseases such as coronary heart disease, heart attack to stroke.
However, this study shows that long before a sleep apnea, snoring alone is a sign of danger that can not be ignored. The researchers looked at data 913 patients who had been examined in a sleep disorder clinic between December 2006 and January 2012. After review, collected patients who snore but do not suffer from sleep apnea.
Overall, there are 54 people snoring patients who performed carotid artery wall thickness measurement using ultrasound (USG). The thickness of the carotid artery can be used to see the progression of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). Thickening of the carotid artery walls is a sign of carotid artery disease.
As a result, patients who snore have thicker carotid arteries than those who do not snore. The researchers suspect that the vibration caused ngoroklah cause trauma to blood vessels caused by inflammation and ultimately causes the thickening of the blood vessels.
The study also revealed that there was a statistically significant difference in the thickening of the carotid artery in patients with or without the risks of heart disease, blood vessels which as we know. Risk factors include smoking, diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol levels.
The first stage snoring treatment is to recognize the problem. Families and relatives had to convince people that he was snoring. Yeah, just know him snoring snorer if told by someone else.
For medical care, beginning with an examination bed for diagnosis. Examination in a sleep laboratory is like a heart or respiratory function tests alone, the difference he made in his sleep. Why do while sleeping? Because breathing disorders only occur during sleep.
Having found a new doctor's diagnosis will determine the appropriate treatment for the condition of every snorer. Usually using CPAP, oral appliances or surgery.
CPAP stands for continuous positive airway pressure, in the form of a device that plugs into the nose through a mask. Maintenance is very convenient because it gives maximum quality sleep.
Two different studies in Australia and Europe in 2003 showed that after being treated with CPAP snoring, the risk of patients suffering from coronary heart disease fell by 37 percent, while the risk of stroke dropped 56 percent. While research in 2004 and 2005 showed how the use of CPAP in snorers with diabetes to help improve insulin sensitivity and blood sugar control.
In the United States an estimated 40 percent of men and 24 percent of women are snorers. Although we have valid data in Indonesia is estimated to number snorer is not much different. Imagine how many of us are experiencing danger every bed.
Snoring is considered as distracting sounds. In the milieu of snoring has always been a joke. Even insurers often consider snoring as a disorder that is cosmetic and not harmful.
But with the number of data research continues to grow, snoring sound can no longer be ignored. Health experts have started to see snoring as a risk factor equal position with hypertension or elevated cholesterol levels.
Finally, if you find a friend or relative who snore, warned. Thus you have saved his life.

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