Monday, November 12, 2012

Prevent Impotence, Follow 6 Change It!

At the age of 20 years, to achieve an erection is easy matter for a man. However, when he was edging closer to 40, sexual desire and sexual performance is not as good as before. No wonder that many of Adam became anxious and depressed when entering this age because they are likely to experience decreased sexual ability. In fact, they threatened convicted have erectile dysfunction or impotence by a doctor.The doctors, who once looked impotence almost exclusively as a psychological problem, it is now believed that at least seven out of ten cases of impotence has a physical cause, including diabetes, thyroid disorders, atherosclerosis, or injury to the penis.
Treatment, alcohol consumption, smoking, and psychological factors such as depression, stress and anxiety at work may also increase the risk of erectile dysfunction. The core of the matter is that anything that stops blood flow to the penis, you will minimize your chances of getting an erection.However, if you take care of yourself well, you can stay alert, stay passionate, and still be able to have sex until old age. In theory, there is no reason that your sexual ability will change as you age. There is one thing common between them: they take care of themselves better than most other men.So, take care of your sexual organs as well as possible and follow some lifestyle changes to keep your sex life can continue to run well.1. Stop smokingSmoking accelerates the formation of deposits in the arteries of the heart, it is not difficult to believe that the same process may occur in the blood vessels that supply blood to the penis. Current smoking has been seen as a major factor in erection problems, and his first action begins when your age of 40 years. So, if you smoke, quit now!2. Run to the gym, do not walkThe more fit your body is, the more often you are able to have sex, is also getting better, according to a study published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior. In the study, conducted at the University of California, San Diego, 78 healthy men but did not actively begin aerobic exercise three to five days a week, each for an hour. During the study, each person writes a diary about their sexual activity. The results indicate that the perpetrators of sex life was greatly improved aerobic. Meanwhile, their sex lives were just sauntering changed little.No matter which type of aerobics that you choose, the important thing you do, at least three times a week and each time lasted for twenty minutes. Running, swimming, and cycling are good choices.3. Reduce fatIn terms of food, it is important to limit fat intake. Once again, logic says that is good for the arteries supply blood to the heart will also be good for the arteries supply blood to the penis. The doctors believe that diet to become a mighty man is a low-fat diet, with only 20 percent of calories come from fat. If you eat 2,500 calories per day, then limit your fat intake is about 50 grams. To begin with the right direction, read the labels of food you buy, look for products of poor fat and non-fat, avoid fried foods, moving to skim milk, and eat enough fruits and vegetables every day, plus about 75 grams fish, chicken, or lean red meat.4. Streamline your waistExcess weight can cause your penis length is reduced. Unofficial research on obesity shows that a number of men to some extent, an overweight man who will get back 2.5 inch penis for every 17 pounds of weight removal. This incentive is not bad for someone who truly overweight. However, clearly, maintaining an ideal body weight will reduce the risk of high blood pressure and diabetes because they can impair the ability of your erection.5. Observe your drug useHundreds of medications can cause impotence as a side effect, including diuretics, lowering high blood pressure, some antidepressants, and antipsychotics. Ask your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking medications that can make you have a problem.6. Limit alcoholAlcohol is a depressant that slows reflexes function, including sexual though. In addition to the direct damage to sexual, alcohol, when consumed in excess in the long run, it can directly affect the testicles, reduced production of the male hormone testosterone, and disrupt the balance of hormones and the body-the brain chemicals needed to produce an erection, while the balance very vulnerable.


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