Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Want Kids always Fit? Enough Sports only 7 Minutes

Not only adults who need to fit with sports, children also desperately need exercise to keep them fit. Even specifically a new study recommends that children should be encouraged to exercise for 7 minutes each day.According to a study conducted by a team of researchers from the University of Manitoba, Canada, the children were invited for 7 minutes of intense exercise a day to tend to have a body mass index and blood pressure lower than his colleagues who are not actively exercising.
Yet researchers warn that this type of exercise should be intense as well as jogging, rather than mild or moderate exercise because it will not provide the same benefit amount.But there is no doubt that children tend not fond of physical activity because they would rather play. In particular, children are more like a spontaneous game but intermittently require extra efforts like basketball or frisbee."Working hard in a short time the child actually promote metabolism and help the body to adapt to physical training in order to better shape," said researcher Jon McGavock, Ph.D., of the Manitoba Institute for Child Health menshealth as quoted on Tuesday (13/11/2012 ).Here are some examples of games (which can diselipi physical exercise) that can be done by parents and children simultaneously, namely:- Cycling race then invite your child whenever you call out, 'Come on!'- Swim and challenge your child to see who has the most to swim back and forth in five minutes. Then after a pause, please try again- Play soccer against each other- Perform fast-paced physical exercise like jumping jacks or burpees as possible in one minute and then turn around- Play rugby in the backyard- Make a video dance Gangnam Style with children with choreography that you create yourself- Play video games like Wii Tennis or Kinect Sports Boxing

Source: http://health.detik.com/read/2012/11/13/065814/2089898/1301/

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