Thursday, January 31, 2013

Beware of 2nd Trimester Nausea Vomiting in Pregnancy - Nausea or vomiting in early pregnancy symptom morning is reasonable ickness experienced by most pregnant women. But to watch if severe nausea and vomiting continued until the second trimester of pregnancy.

So Vegetarian, Heart Disease Risk Down 30 Percent

Jakarta, consumption of red meat, especially fatty been associated with the risk of heart and blood vessel disease. Recent research has shown just by being a vegetarian, the risk of heart disease could drop by 30 percent.

First Night Sex Life Affects Lifetime Hidup

VIVAlife - How was your experience when losing virginity? Romantic, sweet, very awkward, very fast, unforgettable or not satisfactory? Researchers from the University of Mississippi, the United States found that first sexual experience will affect sex life throughout life.

Generate Sperm Quality? Mandatory Make These Three Things

BEFORE using the method of treatment with a high cost. There are many tips you can live to maintain the health of your reproductive organs and fertility. Here's his review.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Compulsory Medical Tests Do Women

YOU feel healthy? Never had any health complaints or previous hospital admission? If jawabannnya "Yes", do not have a heart first. Healthy body does not mean you're not thinking about the disease in the body.

This pair Addiction Fast Food

VIVAlife - Fast food or fast food does have a taste for the more tempting though laden in fat and sugar with no nutritional value. Despite knowing this, for couples Emma and Dylan Smith, fast food is a favorite food that must be consumed every day.

Infections in the Mouth Can Be Heart Disease

Many people with heart attacks do not have traditional risk factors, such as hypertension, diabetes, elevated levels of cholesterol, smoking, obesity, lack of physical activity, and heredity. Poor oral hygiene is suspected as a risk factor related to cardiovascular events such as heart attack and stroke.Bacteria in the oral cavity often leading to a heart valve infection is Streptococcus viridan

5 Factors that Impede Physical & Psychic Sex You Get Satisfaction

Jakarta - Many medical and psychological factors that can hinder a person has a quality sex life. Ranging from medicine physicians to stress to depression. If it is difficult to get sexual gratification, it could be because you or your husband have one or two of the six disorders, as quoted from She Knows.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

In order for children to the Dentist Fear

DOING early dental care is very important. This will bring healthy habits in children ehingga children can benefit from early dental care until he was an adult.

People Want to Suck Fat Fat, Fat Injection Instead of the Rich

Jakarta, If I had to follow the will, man is basically will never be satisfied. When the fat is busy raising money for liposuction, some rich people just inject fat into the body.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Choosing the Right Sleep Position - Are you the type of person who often have trouble falling asleep or frequent waking with a sore body condition? It could be your sleeping position so the cause. Most people do not know the importance of choosing the right sleeping position.

Do not underestimate, It Effects Vitamin Deficiency One

Jakarta, Most people eat alone without taking into account the origin of satiety nutrients in food. Certain foods offer the benefit of a variety of vitamins that the body needs. Lack of this vitamin can cause a variety of health problems.

Five Easy Ways to Keep Fitness in Office

VIVAlife - sitting for hours staring at a computer is something that can not be avoided by many workers. The bustle was a reason often cited when someone rarely exercise.

Wear Many Lubricants Affect Women's Mood

MANY who say that the use of lubricants can cause unhealthy effects for women's health. However, the use of lubricants during sex is fine done from following the steps below.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Quit Smoking at Age Whatever may Extending Seniors

Jakarta, Smoking can increase the risks of disease and even premature death. Smoking can even reduce one's life expectancy by 10 years, so stop smoking from now to restore your life expectancy.

Double Vision, Hillary Wear Special Glasses

MINISTER of State United States, Hillary Rodham Clinton used a specially designed glasses. These glasses will help to address the vision problems they experienced.

Study: Facebook Can Make People Jealous and Passion

VIVAlife - Do you ever feel jealous and lonely when viewing pictures of a friend's vacation photos on Facebook? If yes, what you experience is a great fit with findings by German scientists.

Supported, Health Costs Not Covered Country Smoker

JAKARTA, - Vice Chairman of the House of Representatives Commission IX Nova Riyanti Joseph or familiarly called Noriyu support plans Nafsiah Mboi Minister of Health issued a regulation to not bear the cost of treating patients who are sick because of smoking through Community Health Insurance (Assurance).

Friday, January 25, 2013

Concentration Weakens, It's Food Consumption

VIVAlife - Efficacy vegetables were not only make the skin more beautiful. That green vegetables nourish the body as a whole. Demkian results of a recent study conducted at University of Ontago, New Zealand. If you want the concentration and focus the mind more leverage, vegetables hijaupun ready to fulfill your desires.

Medication Antidepressants Make Passion Sex Down

THERE are many factors that can cause a person to experience sexual problems, such as psychological, biological, and the effects of drug use. Some antidepressants can be expected to trigger sexual disorders.

It's Healthy Benefits of Sleep Without Clothes: Healthy Organ Intimate & Prevent Stomach Buncit

Jakarta, Most people will be wearing clothing and blankets to keep the body temperature to keep warm and sleep more soundly. But it turns sleeping naked has more health benefits.

Impressions Leisure Damaged Sex Porn - For some people, watching porn or often called a blue film (blue film) can be a distraction to increase sexual arousal. But if it is entered into the domestic domain alias household, this blue movie watching habits have harmful effects because it reduces the comfort of having sex even sparked a rift.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Nutrition is So 'Junior Net-net' Hearts

Jakarta, heart or liver is one of the vital organs in the human body, which function to produce important enzymes called bile. Because of the unhealthy lifestyle, the liver can be 'dirty' and broken. However, some nutrients may be 'cleaner' hearts.

Uniqueness Penis You Need to Know

Penis has three functions namely, to discharge and to deliver cargo semen (which contains sperm) into the vagina. But did you know there are a lot of interesting things you may not know of these male sex organs. What are they?

Avoid Food Allergy Causes It

VIVAlife - Allergy or hypersensitivity is a reaction caused by the failure of the immune system. The condition is usually inherited genetically. The trigger diverse. Starting from dust, animal dander, dust mites and air pollution. In addition to these external factors, allergies are also triggered by foreign food substances that can not be taken into the body.

Importantly, Watch Kids Snacks in Schools

JAKARTA, - Recognize food safety school snacks (PJAS) is important. In addition to maintaining the health of children, recognizing PJAS children can realize increased security PJAS are eligible up to 100 percent.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

More people are Fast Path Longevity

Jakarta, While walking to a place, it is better if you speed you even step foot was in no haste. One study showed that people who fast course, it would be a long life of up to 8 years old.

Big Breasts Without Side Effects? Traditional Remedy Try It

VARIOUS made ​​her way to get a big and beautiful breasts. But in fact, using the following traditional way breasts can grow by itself.

"Junk Food" Increase Risk of Asthma in Children - Limit consumption of fast food or "junk food" for your child. Research indicates, the consumption of fast food three times a week can increase the risk of asthma and eczema in children.

Former Inspiring Story of Anorexia Sufferers

VIVAlife - About six years ago, Simon Metin sentenced only to survive for a month. At the age is still 14 years old, this British teen anorexia.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Research: Fat Boss Rated Less Competent in the Workplace

Jakarta, Being a successful boss is not just simply a problem of expertise alone, but also took the role of appearance. If observed carefully, most of the boss or CEO have similar characteristics, which have ideal body weight. Apparently factors influence body mass index of a person's leadership.

3 Things Men Expect It of Women

VIVAlife - In a relationship necessary mutual understanding between couples. Men must understand the needs of women. Vice versa, a woman must understand the needs of men.

Vitamin D Strengthens Muscles - If you've been diligently working out to get lean and muscular body shape, do not forget about the adequacy of vitamin D. Recent studies mention this vitamin is the key to get strong muscles.

Nutrition-Nutrition Important Maximize Brain Intelligence

Keeping the health of vital organs such as the brain is certainly not an easy thing. You need to provide nutrition so that you can maximize your brain function properly.

Friday, January 18, 2013

This is How to Keep Your Kidneys Maintaining Optimal Functioning

Jakarta Although the small, but kidney function is vital for the body. For that there are some things you can do to maintain healthy kidneys to function properly.

Reveal Causes of Passion Sex Down

Lack of sex drive is a common question. Unhealthy lifestyle factors and stress can trigger a loss of sexual desire you. Get to know some of the other factors that can make all the way down, so you can make changes to maintain a healthy sexual life.

This girl Joints Remove Every time Sneeze

VIVAlife - Lauren Harry had resigned to accept this miserable life, due to a genetic disorder. Every time sneezing, coughing and a slight jolt just due to changes in speed while driving, can make bones dislocated shoulder. Unfortunately, the bone it can get out of their sockets.

Diseases caused by floods Stalking

Jakarta, Kompas - The poor state of the environment due to rain and flooding increases the risk of public health, especially children and the elderly. Decline in endurance due to lifestyle changes and stress can trigger the emergence of a variety of physical and psychological illnesses.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Not Coming to a Doctor? Here's How to Check Eye Alone

Jakarta, Let your eye doctor recommended every 2 years. However, because it is expensive and there is no free time, many people are lazy to go to the eye doctor if you do not feel there is a complaint. Never mind, eye checks can really be done alone.

6 Trigger Migraine Attacks

VIVAlife - Migraine headaches may be the most disturbing. In fact, you were required to rest completely for ease. The pain can be nested for hours or even two days.

The reason, the dilation of blood vessels around the temple and the release of chemicals. This dilation causes the stretching of the nerves around the artery thus stimulating nerves to release chemicals that cause excruciating pain.

In fact given effect to propagate to nausea and vomiting, chills, body sweating, frequent urination, fatigue, loss of appetite, numbness, tingling, and visual impairments.

More than this, it can also lead to migraine depression, anxiety, and irritability. For healing, the doctor will usually make the diagnosis of the symptoms of migraine and migraine in the family history. In addition, the doctor will provide painkillers to ease the pain. These factors migraine triggers to avoid:

- Consumption of foods made from chocolate, cheese, nuts and more. For those who are sensitive to this substance, often a cause of migraine.

- Consumption of drugs that cause hormonal changes in the body.

- Lightning flashes that interfere with the sensitivity of the eye.

- Irregular sleep patterns

- Changes in extreme weather

- Stress

- Exposure to cigarette smoke


IDI: Always Use Shoes to Flood Area!

JAKARTA, - People are reminded to use shoes or boots flooded to the site when they want to flood your legs protected from a variety of injuries and injury due to exposure to sharp objects, said Chairman of the Executive Board of the Indonesian Doctors Association Dr Zaenal Abidin.

Inflammation of the pancreas Alcoholics Vulnerable

Pancreatitis is defined as inflammation of the pancreas. Disease that affects many alcoholics may occur with different severity. If left unchecked, could result in death.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

New Method Supporting Diet: Main Twitter!

Jakarta, turns out to lose weight is not only about the methods and the commitment of those who wish to do so. It also requires the full support of the environment, including from colleagues in cyberspace.

Age 40 Years Mandatory Breast Check - Breast cancer is the leading cause of death of cancer types. However, if the cancer is caught early the patient's life expectancy increases. Age of 40 years is most appropriate mammography examination.20-30 year old female breasts are very dense so it is difficult to see abnormalities in the breasts - dr. Alfifah Amiruddin

List of Food Plant Passion Sex

VIVAlife - work pressure, stress, and mood instability are often the trigger for decreased sexual desire. To address this, usually the spouse often re planning a honeymoon or just spend some time together to improve relations. Besides this way, there is a solution short of passion, choosing the right foods that are aphrodisiacs as follows:

Healthy & Manicured Vagina? Clean the Natural Way

MANY feminine hygiene products that give promises to help solve sanitation problems female sex organs. However, if not careful, personal hygiene products can be harmful to health.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Health budget for the Prevention

JAKARTA, - The government would take advantage of the health budget to health efforts, not to mention health response. Allocating budget for prevention is more important because of the health care costs can be reduced. However if the focus on the treatment will only make budgets swell.

Rarely Pubic hair longish, Lice Start So Endangered Species

Jakarta, like any other species, ticks also needs to have habitat or a place to grow and thrive. As humans increasingly rarely let her pubic hair longish, lice are increasingly losing habitat and even endangered.

Vagina Tight and Feels Burned, Watchful Vaginismus

DO you have to face a lot of inconvenience and difficulty in penetration during sex? This may be a sign of vaginismus. Vaginal condition that makes any sexual activity becomes uncomfortable.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Number of Children 'Kuntet' in Indonesia Not Decreased Since 1992

Jakarta, one of the indicators that show that health development in Indonesia is still not satisfying the high number of child stunting short alias. According to observers nutrition, the number of children who later said kuntet for height growth is not optimal to adulthood tend not decreased since 1992.

Natural Sleep Disorder? How to Try This

VIVAlife - you are having problems trouble sleeping or waking up several times in the middle of the night? It could be that you are experiencing insomnia.
This sleep disorder occurs with age and hormonal changes. For those of you who frequent partying or working late into the night and often nirnutrisi eat food (junk food) also need to be vigilant.

Psychological Effects Rare Sports - Regular exercise duration is enough to increase the value of health and quality of life. This means, not only a healthy body but also the soul happier.

Healthy pregnant, Watch How You Sit

KEEPING pregnancy does not just cover the intake is consumed daily. More than that, you also need to pay attention to how to sit and other physical habits that a healthy pregnancy until delivery arrived.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Small bumps on the vagina, warts Watchful Sex

Same-sex Sexual Behavior is getting lots of controversy. There are health effects that may arise as a result of sexual behavior. One is sexual health problems.

Diabetes Can be Detected Levels of Oral Conditions

VIVAlife - Instability pancreatic hormone insulin produced a trigger diabetes. This condition is also triggered by the consumption of foods with high sugar content.

New Hope for Treatment of Deaf - Researchers studying hearing said they found a potential cure deafness caused by noise exposure.

Never Too Perceived Stress - Stress is not good. So, what else to think too much about why we can be stressful, so maybe you want to say the researchers from the Center for Behavioral Cardiovascular Health at the Columbia University Medical Center.

Thursday, January 10, 2013


Tapentadol is one type of narcotic analgesic that works on the central nervous system to relieve moderate to severe pain. The drug is also used to treat pain due to nerve damage caused by diabetes.

Unfortunately if tapentadol consumed in the long term will lead to physical or mental dependence. Even physical dependence can result in side effects when taking drugs are discontinued.

Drug-shaped tablets and extended release tablets can only be obtained by prescription.


Make Vagina Glossy, Select Soy as Lubricants

DO you know the most important factor in good sexual health? Consumption of foods that are healthy and nutritious food turned out to be one of the factors that can affect your sexual health.

Ginseng More Powerful than Viagra?

VIVAlife - Recent research suggests that ginseng impontensi solving problems in men. Research conducted in South Korea found that men with erectile dysfunction to improve their performance in bed within a few weeks after taking ginseng tablet.

Benefits of Jogging 20 Minutes Every Day - Having a fit and healthy body can actually be achieved in a simple way. Something like jogging for 20 minutes every day can have a major impact on health. Even if you've got other sports schedules or have felt having the ideal body shape, jog 20 minutes every day had nothing to lose.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

6 Most Bizarre Plastic Surgery - Almost everyone hopes to change one part of her body that are considered less than perfect. However, the following six plastic surgery is quite extreme to get the ideal body.

Hah, Can Penis Broken

NOT only can bone injury and broken. Penis also was able to experience the same thing. Although rare, cases of fracture or broken penis can happen to anyone.

The breakfast menu is Right Brain Work Focus

VIVAlife - Skipping breakfast for reasons of time constraints it was not right. The body actually requires a lot of energy to start the day. Especially for your workers, breakfast becomes an essential input for the brain to create a mind so focused and comfortable doing all the activities.

Monday, January 7, 2013

4 Causes of Work Make Body Fat - Frequent overtime or work stressful it can make the body more quickly stretched. Find four other factors of your work can make you experience a spike in weight.

3 Reasons Women Ending Relationships Romance

VIVAlife - Many things that cause a relationship foundered in the middle of the road. Though the cause is just trivial matters. Boredom in a relationship is often perceived to be a couple.

10 Mistakes Most Often in Children Diagnosis - Enforcing a disease diagnosis by a physician is often not as easy as imagined. Several different abnormalities or diseases often manifest clinical signs and symptoms of the same. Thus, in some cases frequently occur "wrong diagnosis" or overdiagnosis or misdiagnosis of an illness when a person is not suffering.

Ngulik Type of Food Allergy Triggers

After eating tomatoes, Rafa (4) complaining itch and there is red spots on the skin. Originally Vanny, the mother assumes Rafa ordinary skin rash. After inspection and testing, Rafa apparently allergic to tomatoes. How can make a tomato allergy?

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Diabetes Attack Woman, Recognize Symptoms

Diabetes is a disease that affects many young people today. Both men and women can suffer from this lifelong disease. However, you may be wondering whether it is possible for men and women have different symptoms of diabetes?

Ever Eye Infections, Arlin Ogah Contact Lens Wear Again

Frequency of contact lenses can make your eyes become irritated. It is never experienced by Arlin, Princess of Tourism Indonesia 2012. How did it come?

Often Stress, It's Cause

VIVAlife - If you often feel body disorders such as difficulty breathing, chest pain, dizziness, or loss of control, it could be just some of the symptoms of anxiety or panic.

Tips for Increasing Good Cholesterol Level - To eliminate the risk of coronary heart disease, lower bad cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein / LDL) is not enough. You also need to increase the levels of good cholesterol (high density lipoprotein / HDL).

Friday, January 4, 2013

Sexual favors, Pregnant Fast? Try Position Here

EVERY couple would want to have a baby soon. However, there are some couples who find it difficult to get a baby. To overcome this, the following trick can be tried.

Scrape Stomach Fat Without Dieting and Sports, this trick

VIVAlife - ideal body with sexy curves will soon get. No need to starve all day with a strict diet. You simply apply the old formula: eat food for 30 seconds. According to experts, this method is believed to erode, especially fat deposits in the abdomen.

Drowsiness and Driving Safety - Traffic accidents are often fatal. Recently, a high bekecepatan car hit the car in front of him to open the door and killed two lives. Based on the news reports, it is said that the driver drowsy condition. It is sad.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Current Sperm Production, Do Sex Every Day

WANT quickly have a baby? Watch your habits and change your lifestyle healthier. By following these signs, physically fit which allows the production of sperm smoothly. Pregnancy was easily achieved.

Not Unread Nge-gym Hours To Healthy, 3 Hours Per Week Only Enough

Jakarta, good news for people who set healthy, fit or slim as a new years resolution. Researchers claim people do not need to spend hours each week to work out at the gym or jogging in the park every day, but simply by doing an intense exercise regime for a few seconds.

Durian Fruit Nutrition Know - Season durian make anyone happy because this fruit lovers can easily find him. Durian, the fruit is a lot of fans, especially in Indonesia. Even so, of course you have to be careful with memakanannya not too much, because this fruit has many negative effects to the body when consumed excessively.

5 inhibitors Sex Woman Reaches Climax

VIVAlife - repeatedly having sex with a partner and no climax. It is often complained of the women. Many factors could be the cause. Both biological and psychological aspects.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Remember, The Age Short Fat Risk

PEOPLE obese range to various diseases. In fact, some research shows that obese people tend to have a short life. Really?

It Still Stress Change Year? 7 Problems Not Forget This Important

Jakarta, New Year's Eve party festivities do not always bring happiness to everyone. Some still retain stress, and some have added stress. Let not a disease, stress after the turn of the year to be driven away.

4 Steps Heart Healthy at 30

VIVAlife - Entering the age of 30, your life would be very much changed. Work and personal life is certainly more complicated and increasingly burden. Stress will come more often and its effects not only on psychological but also physical condition, especially your heart.

Do not Ignore Vitamin D

As residents of a tropical country, Indonesia should not be deficient in vitamin D. The sun being the main source of ultraviolet rays that make vitamin D beta so vitamin is abundant in the archipelago.