Monday, January 7, 2013

4 Causes of Work Make Body Fat - Frequent overtime or work stressful it can make the body more quickly stretched. Find four other factors of your work can make you experience a spike in weight.

1. Often eat lunch outside
Entertaining clients or conducting business deal is now increasingly being conducted over lunch at the restaurant. But be careful because it can interfere with your diet program. Moreover, if the menu is complete and in large portions. And you do not want to be rude in front of clients because only order drinks or snacks only.
Ceramic by avoiding fried menu and simply select the menu grilled or steamed.
2. Stuck in traffic
Spending long hours to and from work as is now regarded as normal. Stuck in traffic not only makes us tired, stressed, and irritable, but also reduce valuable time to exercise.
Ceramic to take the time to walk. If you use public transport, take a one stop early and walk into your office building. If you bring your own vehicle park it some distance so you have time to walk away.
3. Overtime
Those who often worked overtime tended to have higher levels of stress than employees who go home on time. In addition, overtime shifts also makes mealtimes so that eating becomes chaotic. Reduced sleep also makes the cravings increase. No wonder if the weight loss continues to soar.
4. Many sit
"The disease is too much sitting" is a serious matter because it is not only related to weight loss but also cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and premature death. If your fingers are the only part of the body that consistently engaged in hours of work, it's time to make a change.
Expand the things that make you more likely to move, for example, instead of calling colleagues in other divisions, walk over to his desk, or do short meetings standing up. Take breaks every two hours to take a walk or relax the muscles.

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