Thursday, January 10, 2013

Ginseng More Powerful than Viagra?

VIVAlife - Recent research suggests that ginseng impontensi solving problems in men. Research conducted in South Korea found that men with erectile dysfunction to improve their performance in bed within a few weeks after taking ginseng tablet.

As reported by the Daily Mail page, researchers at Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, conducted a study in 119 men with mild erectile dysfunction problems and moderate. The men were then divided into two groups.

The men in the first group were asked to consume four tablets containing Korean ginseng berry extract. While remaining an identical knockoff pills.

After eight weeks, the researchers measured increased sexual function using a scale of the International Index of Erectile Dysfunction recognized. As a result, a group of men taking ginseng had a small but significant improvement in sexual function compared to the group of men who consumed an identical clone tablet.

"Korean ginseng berry extract improve all areas of sexual function. This can be used as an alternative medicine to improve sexual life in men," the researchers wrote in the International Journal of Impotence Research.

Research about the benefits of ginseng to treat impotence is already been done before. However, most of the tests on rats.

On the other hand, one in ten men in the UK are known to have problems of impotence. As many as 30 percent of men who use Viagra, Cialis and Levitra do not experience any improvement in sexual function. For the men it's the only option is to inject drugs directly into the genitals or using a manual pump that increases the blood supply to an organ.


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