Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Remember, The Age Short Fat Risk

PEOPLE obese range to various diseases. In fact, some research shows that obese people tend to have a short life. Really?

More than 100 studies revealed that nearly three million people who are overweight at higher risk of death (30%), as reported by Reuters on Wednesday (01/02/2012).

The idea of ​​being overweight can be attributed to ill health and was called by the researchers as the obesity paradox, despite the fact that obesity is not only associated with obesity that causes death.

"This finding confirms previous analyzes. These findings reinforce the notion that weight gain affect the risk of death, but not all overweight is not necessarily unhealthy, "said Dr. Steven Heymsfield, executive director of the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

In addition, Dr. Steven added, not all obese people have high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Many obese people also diligently exercising and healthy.

"Being overweight is always associated with risk of death. Sports are an important balance to the body, "added Dr. Steven.


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