Thursday, December 6, 2012

Excessive exercise risking Heart

SPORT is very important to keep your body fit. However, if done in excess and in the long term, if the body's activities can harm the heart.
Heart attacks during exercise is often the case. Attacks that lead to death, there are many casualties. The intention would be counterproductive exercise to be healthy, get sick, and even taken away his soul.
Yes, exercise is healthy, but if done excessively it will damage the heart. Experts have warned that moderate exercise and performed regularly, including jogging, it can provide health benefits to the body. However, it will turn out to be dangerous if taken too far and too long. This conclusion was made after reviewing several studies on the health condition of a runner.

In a three page editorial in the journal Heart, a cardiologist from the United States, James O'Keefe and Carl Lavie said, both runner and you want to work harder should limit yourself to just do it for 30 to 50 minutes a day. Running a marathon, for example, should be done occasionally or once in a lifetime, not a daily challenge. They warned, intense exercise for more than an hour or two can damage the heart, mainly cause tissue stretched, torn, and the wound thereby increasing the potential changes in heart rhythm.
Two new studies presented at a major medical conference to support the claim that sport, like many other things in life, is best done in a moderate or moderate. The first study, written by one of the authors of an editorial in the journal, which is tracking the health of more than 50,000 people for 30 years.
Known, as many as 14,000 runners in this study, approximately 19% of whom are less likely to die sooner than other participants during the study period. When analyzed more deeply, this study shows if the benefits of longevity will be limited to those who ran between five and 20 miles per week only. Conversely, those who ran away from it, does not seem to affect better than those who are not runners.
The same study also shows that run at high speed just gives a slight advantage, compared to those who run the "jogging comfortable" with the speed of 6-7 mph. Other results also revealed, ran for 2-5 days a week is better than is done every day. The second study, conducted on 20,000 people Denmark, found that the intensity of slow jogging will add life expectancy to do it.
O'Keefe, a native of Saint Luke's Mid America Heart Institute in Kansas City, and Lavie, from the John Ochsner Heart and Vascular Institute in New Orleans, concluding, unique effect and be good for the body is given by the physical activity done in moderation.
"If one's goal is to compete in a marathon or triathlon championships in the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, it will require a high-intensity workout for hours a day. However, for those whose aim is only to make life more healthy and long life while watching the 2052 Olympics from the stadium, then the lower-intensity exercise would be more ideal, "they said, as quoted Dailymail page.
Cardiologists of Siloam Hospitals Lippo Village, Dr. Antonia Anna Lukito SpJP FIHA FAPSIC FSCAI said, sporting activities is best done with moderate intensity and frequency basis. Ideally, exercise performed 3-5 times a week with a duration of 30-40 minutes just enough.
When treating the body, he said, the agency will issue an antioxidant compound that serves to "tame" the free radicals so avoid a number of diseases. When the exercise is done and done at once in the sudden period of time, which came out just oxidants can lead to tissue damage, one of the muscles of the heart.
"Oxidants can also become malignant and lead to increased cholesterol in the body," he said.


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