Saturday, December 8, 2012

French Men Sperm Quality Down 30 Percent - sperm count average French man fell about 30 percent. The conclusion was generated after inspection of cement at 26,600 French men.

The number of millions of spermatozoa per milliliter decreased by approximately 32.3 percent or 1.9 percent per year. In addition, the percentage of normal sperm forms had dropped to 33.4 percent.

In the last 20 years was found to decrease the amount and quality of the male sperm. Studies in Europe show, 1 in 5 young men have a low sperm count so there is enough for fertilization.

Research in France was regarded as the first study to reveal a sharp decline in both the concentration or morphology seprma.

According Dr.Allan Pacey, senior lecturer in andrology at the University of Sheffield, the current average 35-year-old French man has a number of seperma 73.6 to 49.9 million per millimeter. These amounts are still within the normal scale. A man is considered infertile if his sperm count is less than 15 thousand permilimeter.

Decline in sperm counts caused by modern lifestyle, whether due to dietary factors or exposure to chemicals from the environment.

"We do not yet know what factors are most influential, but most likely was a combination," said Richard Sharpe of the University of Edinburgh.

Other factors are also known to affect the quality of sperm are age, smoking, and body weight.


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