Saturday, December 22, 2012

Rights of Teenagers Still Ignored

Jakarta, Kompas - The number of adolescents aged 10-24 years in Indonesia in 2010, 63.4 million people or 26.7 percent of the total population. However, the fulfillment of the right to sexual and reproductive health of their meager state. They are considered the children, after they were sexually active.

"If all the young people are educated and healthy, including reproductive health, it will have a major impact for development," said Minister of Health Nafsiah Mboi on videotape seminar day on the 55th Anniversary Family Planning Association of Indonesia in Jakarta, Thursday (20/12) .
Nafsiah said that young people today face many challenges. On the one hand, reproductive health information that is misleading and easily accessible pornographic movies. However, reproductive health services safe and less quality.
In fact, Law No. 36 of 2009 on Health guarantees the right of every person getting the health care that is safe, high quality, and affordable, and get information and health education. Law 23/2002 on Child Protection also guarantees each child grow and develop, as well as health services.
"There are no barriers provide health care, especially reproductive health for adolescents," he stated.
The reality on the ground are ignoring reproductive health and sexuality education (KRS) adolescents. Data IPPA, every year 15 million young people aged 15-19 give birth. As many as 60 percent of the 270,000 female sex workers are teenagers.
In addition, 20 percent of the 2.3 million abortions performed teens and 900,000 young women abortion leads to death.
Lack of information and access
Sri Endras Iswarini of Rights Task Force of Reproductive Health and Sexuality assert, teenagers lack the correct information and access to reproductive health services. Teens who have a sexual health problem just got a stigma, discrimination, and violence.
Generally, teenagers have sexual experiences although often forced. This makes adolescents, especially girls, are not prepared for a healthy sexual relationship.
This condition makes teens vulnerable trapped in risky sexual behavior, unwanted pregnancy, unsafe abortion, school dropout, sexually transmitted diseases, to sexual violence.
Unfortunately, KRS education for adolescents has not been systematic. There is still a mistaken view of education, both based on religion, culture, and views about sexuality. Education KRS assessed encourage premarital sex, legalizing homosexuality, and engulfed and culture.


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