Monday, February 18, 2013

Detecting Health Problems of the "Disposal" - There are many ways to detect the quality of your health. One way is to pay attention to dirt is removed from the body in the form of feces. How often do you go to the toilet and how much dirt you spend can be a general indicator of digestive health.

While many people may never consider the 'dumping' them, the dirt is actually an essential bodily function and can be an indicator of when something goes wrong in the body. Changes in the colon could be due to changes in diet that you do, but it can also be a sign that your body is fighting an infection or other serious conditions.
Here's 5 tips that can be seen from your dirt.
1. Color
The color of the dirt reflects what you eat. The color brown is the normal color for the dirt, while the black and yellow is a color that is not normal.
"The black color indicates there is bleeding in the stomach and small intestine," says Jean-Pierre Raufman, specialist in internal medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. Supplements containing iron can also make the color more green waste into dark, he added.
In general, the color of the dirt is influenced by the activity of bile. If color is not normal dirt that constantly suspected presence of diseases such as pancreatic cancer or hepatitis.
2. Form
Form a small dirt and thin assessed by experts is a symptom of colon cancer. Besides the soft and hard structure for flushing the toilet a sign of dirt contains a lot of oil, which means there is a problem with the absorption of fat in the body. Mild forms that float on the surface of the water as it contains a lot of gas does not indicate a problem.
3. Odor
Although in general the discharge has a bad odor, but there is also a strange smell suspicious. The smell of the dirt caused by constituent components that contain compounds with foul odors. Raufman said, if the more pungent smell of sewage, there could be an infection in the colon or feces have been too long in the colon.
4. Constipation
Stools dry, hard, and difficult to remove is a sign of constipation. People with constipation bowel usually fewer than three times a week. Constipation is caused by several factors including diet is not good, lack of exercise, certain medications, eating less fruit, and a variety of disorders of the colon.
5. Diarrhea
Diarrhea occurs when your shit is liquid and rapidly excreted by the body. In general, diarrhea last one to two days. Raufman said, "That is the normal way the body remove toxic substances such as bacteria and viruses, but also can result in dehydration.

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