Thursday, February 28, 2013

Needed Economic Studies for Social Security

JAKARTA, - National Social Security System (Navigation) which will be implemented in 2014 require a health economics and technology assessment or the Health Technology Assessment (HTA) in order to achieve a balance between sufficient funds Social Security Implementing Agency (BPJS) and the cost of treatment continues to increase.

According to Deputy Health Minister Ali Ghufron Mukti, HTA is important in achieving quality health care efficiently on the implementation of Social Security. With the use of this technology, it can be determined the package and Social Security benefits in accordance with the medical needs of patients.
"HTA has been widely used in many countries, both developed and developing countries, but this is a new thing in Indonesia," said Ali Ghufron.
HTA is one method of assessment standards aimed at financing utilize the funds collected as much as possible taking into account the price of standard materials for treatment and health care, so it is no longer a gap for a game medical treatment or drug is not in place. Application of economic studies and HTA are able to produce the calculation method of the formulation package of health insurance, benefits, and what treatments are covered, in order to ensure the achievement of social security in accordance with the principle of fair and equitable.
Ali Ghufron said, HTA can assess how best a new technology in the field of health for the patient. If judged to be too optimal, then the treatment technology and even then it unnecessary, because in addition to making money for the treatment of swelling, as well as a waste of time patients.
"For example, the CT scan technology, if used to only using 56 slices body scan, now has reached 128, even 260 slices. Amount will be analyzed by HTA. If it is effective with 56 slices, so no need to use the 260 slices," said Ali Ghufron in a press conference seminar titled "Towards JamKesNas 10 Months: The Role of Health Economics and Technology Assessment (HTA) in Delivering Quality Health Care" on Wednesday (02/27/2013) in Jakarta.
Observers of the Center for Economic Studies Health and Health Regulations School of Public Health, University of Indonesia Professor Hasbullah Thabrany said HTA application starting 10 months ahead of the implementation JamKesNas, is expected to catch up with countries that have benefited from this HTA. Support like this is required by the state before the execution JamKesNas.
One obstacle in the implementation of HTA Indonesia, said Hasbullah, is still lack of power in Indonesia, which has the expertise and competencies related, given the complexity of the method used. According to him, necessary health economists who have more insight into the standard-setting health care costs, we are showing support for the government by providing information on financing basic standard.
"This is to provide the best health services through JamKesNas," he said.

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