Saturday, February 16, 2013

Why It's Great Still Wetting? - Bedwetting during sleep is not uncommon among children toddlers through age 6. Boys are more likely to wet the bed than girls. Beware if school age still wet the bed.

You do not need to worry if a child aged less than 6 years old is still wetting the bed. According to Howard J.Bennett, pediatrician and author of Waking Up Dry: A Guide to Help Children Overcome Bedwetting, bedwetting habit usually the greater will be lost.
Experts say there are two types of bedwetting, namely primary and secondary. Which includes primary bedwetting is when children can not remain dry for six months. While the secondary bedwetting occurs when children wet the bed again after can stay dry for six months.
Described by Bennett, bedwetting is generally influenced by heredity. "About 75 percent of children who wet the bed at night to have a parent or family have the same problem as a child," he said.
In most cases, primary bedwetting is not caused by a medical disorder. While the secondary wetting and bedwetting in adulthood is usually triggered by a urinary tract infection, prostate disorders in older men, diabetes, sleep apnea, sleep disorders, or neurological disorders.
Emotional stress such as the death of a loved one or environmental changes also trigger secondary bedwetting.
Constipation or difficult bowel movements can also cause bedwetting. "This happened because there rectum anatomy behind the bladder. If rectal child is always in full condition, the size of the bladder will expand and cause contractions so that children wet the bed," he explained.
Most bedwetting in children will disappear by itself, especially if their child has been bothered by his habit.
Bedwetting can cause trauma in children because it affects her confidence. Therefore, avoid punishing, criticizing, or shaming children because of bedwetting.
Even so there are some things you can do to prevent bed wetting, namely:
- Limit your intake of water before going to bed.- Urinate before sleeping.- There are several drugs that can prevent bedwetting. However, these drugs should only be used in the short term, for example, when the child will stay in school events. This drug should also not be given to children aged less than 5 years.

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